Chapter 35

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(After reading. He forwarded his hand in front of avi)

Faisu: May I have pleasure to dance with my Princess?

(Avi accepts his offer)

Avi: Yeah sure. But what's the dare?
Faisu: To dance with your partner
Sid's pov: Partner? Means she is faisu's partner
Reem: Which song?
Faisu: Annual function wala
Abhi: No way faisu because of that practice she got fracture
Faisu: Don't worry buddy I am here nah I will take care of my Princess
Sid's pov: She got fracture and then too he wants to dance with her on same song. I will kill him. But yaar I think avi also loves him

(Faisu notice that sid is feeling jealous and hurt. They both danced so well. After that abhi, vaish, reem, raj quit game. Faisu's hand is still on Avi's shoulder. Sid is feeling hurt alot. Now it's faisu's turn. Again he took a chit from pocket and pretend to take it from bowl)

Faisu: Mine dare Propose someone

(He went near avi. Kneel down. Sid was feeling uncomfortable)

Sid: Chimpanzees I want water. So I am going in kitchen
Jai: Okay bhoot

(Sid left in anger. Faisu notice this and was dancing from inside)

Faisu: So Mine Princess will be mine forever best friend and sista?

(Avi accept his hand. Sid was looking all these from kitchen but can't hear anything. After a few minutes sid was still in kitchen only)

Faisu: Where is prince?
Jai: He is in kitchen

(Faisu left to call him. At a distance he heard Sid's sob)

Sid: Why avni Why? But I still love you
Faisu's pov: Finally plan A completed
Faisu (Shouts from a distance): Prince

(Quickly sid cleaned his face and came near faisu)

Faisu: Let's go everyone is waiting for you

(They both came where all was there. Faisu looked at his watch. Then Hugged avi)

Faisu: Happy birthday Princess
Avi: Thank you BB
Faisu: Hey buddy happy birthday (Avi was shocked after listing this)

Avi: Seriously?
(Faisu nodded. She ran towards abhi and hugged him)

Avi: Happy birthday dada
Abhi: Happy birthday twin sista
Sid: Happy birthday dada

(Hugged him)

Abhi: Thank you chote

(Sid smiled)

Sid: Happy birthday Avneet

Avi: Thank you

(Everyone came and wish them. After few minutes some came from behind and close Avi's eyes)

Sid (Shocked): Junglee bhilli tu yaha?
Avi's pov: Yeh sid jungle bhilli kisse bol raha hain? Uski girlfriend hain kya?

(Avi feels jealous)

Avi's pov: But wait yeh to angel ki deo hain.
Avi: Angel
Jan: Yeah meri chuhia. Happy birthday

(They both hugged each other)

Abhi: Do you both know each other?
Jan: Wait wait let me clear everything. Chuhia in 10th I was in hostel there sid was my best friend but later we lost contact and chuhe Avi is my childhood best friend cum sister
Sidneet in unison: Oh! Okay

(Jan's parents also came. Faisu took blessing from jan's parents. Jan was greeting everyone)

Faisu: Yaar jaan I think I should be on top list to meet you. This is not fair
Avi: Oh ho!!! Desperately waiting

(Jan came and hugged faisu tightly. He also hugged her back. Kiss her forehead)

Faisu (Whisper): Love you jaan
Jan: Love you too

(Sid was totally shocked and confused)

Reem: Bhai bhabhi we all are here.
Faisu (Whisper): Jaan clear the doubt of BB with full form so we can go for next plan

(Jan nodded)

Faisu: Princess you know how desperately I waiting to meet my jaan
Avi: Yeah BB I know
Jan: Chuhia sometime try to use full form of BB
Avi (Teasingly): Why do you have any problem with BB?
Jan: BB means Big brother and I don't have any problem but bhai sounds good
Sid's pov: What I was thinking yaar. They both are sharing the bond of brother and sister
Faisu: Let's continue with game. Now Princess and Prince are left

(Sid's turn. Faisu again took a chit from pocket and act)

Faisu: Sing a song with PRINCESS. Ready?

(Both nodded. Sid started singing mehrama. Whole heartedly they both singing song and try to express feelings. Then it's Avi's turn. Again cheating by faisu)

Faisu: Sing a romantic song with Prince.

(Sid started the song pal pal dil ke pass (Darshan Raval) while they both were singing remaining couples started dancing)

Faisu to jan: They both are singing whole heartedly. We can go for Plan C now
Abhi/ to vaish & jai to reem: I think they both like each other. Afterwards I will talk with abhi/jai
Reem/ vaish: While singing they are drowling in each others eyes and have a little blush on face

(Song ends)

SA: Beta you both are singing so well. I just love your singing
VA: Haan beta laga hi nahin pehli baar mile ho

(Jan to change the topic)

Jan: I don't think they are ready to loose so please stop the game here only or else I will be bored
Faisu: As you say my queen. Let's go to jai's room I have a surprise. But only childs are going no elders

(As soon as they reach in jai's room)

To be continue......

How was faint's plan?

What will be plan C?

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