Chapter 28

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(Avi receives abhi's phone but before she could talk abhi came)

Vaish: Abhay your brother is calling you

(Abhi took his phone. Call conversation)

Sid (Worried): Dada please come home as soon as possible
Abhi: What happened chote? Is everything fine?
Sid: Dada Mr Ram is no more. He met an incident  Maa is crying alot
Abhi (Shocked): Chote take care of maa I am coming

(Call hangs up)

Faisu: What happened buddy?
Abhi: My dad is no more I have to go
Avi: Dada you go we will handle about your leave in college. Take care of your family
Vaish: Abhay I am always with you. Go and take care of family
Faisu: Buddy if you need anything just call me

(Abhi left. Later faisu narrates jaireem, Rajnoor. After 3-4days in college)

Vaish: Guys missing abhay so much
Avi: BB, doll I think we should go to dada's house
Vaish: No jhalli we can't
Avi: Doll he is our friend we should go and meet him. May be he needs us.
Faisu: Princess he will call me if he need me and I think it's difficult a time for him. So let him spend this with family
Avi: Okay. Guys I am going to order something

(Avi left)

Faisu, vaish's pov: You don't about his father that's why you are saying this but he isn't sad just he is worried for his mother

( As they both know about abhi's father but not familier with Sid's life)

(After 2days. In vaishneet's lecture)

Vaish: Jhalli I  am missing abhay a lot
Avi: I can understand

(Tear escape from her eyes)

Vaish: Jhalli why you are crying?
Avi: No doll I am not crying. It's just

(vaish cuts her point)

Vaish: Jhalli we are best friends more like sisters. If you want you can share it with me. I know from starting you always a perfect smile on face which isn't a real one but never asked you.
Avi: Let's go out
Vaish: How? We are in lecture jhalli

(Avi stood up)

Avi: Mam can we go to washroom as Vaishnavi isn't feeling well

(Vaish was totally shocked)

Mam: Vaishnavi go to college clinic with Avneet
Vaish (stammering): Yyy....eeesssss Mam

(Vaishneet left)

Vaish: Jhalli I'm totally fine
Avi: Yeah doll I know. It was a plan
Vaish: You should inform me about this before
Avi: Then your expression will be normal. Mam can feel us that we are lieing
Vaish: Okay. Now tell me why you were crying?

(Avi shares whole story with sidneet with vaish)

Vaish: Are you serious? Then too you are waiting for him? You should move on
Avi: See that's why I don't to share with anyone as they all use to suggest me to move on but I can't yaar
Vaish: Okay. Let's go for next lecture
Avi: Doll go and attend it with BB. I am going to music room

(Vaish hugged her)

Vaish: Jhalli are you okay?
Avi: Yeah don't worry I am perfectly fine

(They left. After all lectures. Vaish and faisu went in music room. But avi was not there)

Faisu: Vaishu are you sure she said you that she was going to music room?
Vaish: Yes Faisu. But where is she now? Let me call her

(Vaish calls avi. Call conversation)

Vaish: Jhalli where are you? You said you are going to music room but aren't here.
Avi: Doll I am in college meet me at gate in 5mins

(Hangs up call. After 5mins all met at college gate. Vaish hugged her)

Vaish: Jhalli where you were?
Raj: Guys is everything okay? Why she is worried?
Avi: Guys I told her about my love so she is worried
Jai: Vaish don't worry yaar from last 1year she is like this so don't worry

(All left for home)

To be continue....

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To be continue...

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