Chapter 23

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Sid: Dada she wanted to continue with same college. So I want to be with her like we were
Abhi: Okay

Sid's pov: Last few mins left in 12am. Tomorrow dada's and Avi's birthday is there. I will wish her in college I know we can't talk but through letter or anything will wish her. Rest of the day will spend with dada. I know she is such a stubborn so she won't celebrate it. Love missing you alot

(Sid's phone rang. It's an alarm)

Sid: Happy birthday dada
Abhi: Thank you chote

(All started wishing birthday to him. Meanwhile in Avi's home. All were wishing her also. After few minutes all went to sleep)

Avi's pov: I am missing you love. I know tomorrow you will try to wish me. I also know you will not talk with as per my kasam. But trust me madly waiting for your surprise. I use to wear locket regular given by you. Love you

(By holding that locket. She Drift to sleep)

(Next day all went to college. Sid went in ST college. Rest went in University. After admission. In university)

Reem: Bhai call abhi bhai where he is?
Avi: Baby I am going to washroom
Ash: Neet I am also coming with you. You all should wait here

(They both left. Abhi came)

Faisu: Happy birthday buddy.

(All wished him)

Faisu: Let me introduce with all. He is jaijeet. He is Raj. Remaining 2 girls are coming
Abhi: Okay guys I am Abhishek. You all know today is my birthday so you all are invited for party
Jai: Sorry I can't as I have some work
Abhi: But bro

(Faisu cuts his point)

Faisu: Buddy he is not coming cause of some work. So don't force
Abhi: Okay. Please invite that 2 girls also
Reem: One will not come as she is jai's sister so remaining will meet you there birthday boy

(Reem smiled)

Abhi: Okay guys bye. Have to go will catch you at party

(Abhi left. After few minutes girls came)

Avi's pov: I couldn't find sid anywhere where he is? I think he is not in this college. Missing you yaar

(Avi Feels sad)

Raj: In evening we are going for a party
Avi: But tom I am not going to come so don't plan

(Faisu cuts her point)

Faisu: We aren't planning for you. It's my friend's birthday he invited all of us and I know you are not coming so I already told him
Jai: Okay. Let's go home. After 4days on monday college will start

(Meanwhile in ST college. After admission)

Sid's pov: Where is she? I didn't saw her from last 3months I am missing her badly. I Want to wish her but I think she changed her college

(Gets upset. All left for home. First day of college. Sid was sad whole day as he was missing Avi. Meanwhile in University. All was there waiting for abhi)

Faisu: Yaar where he is?
Raj: You are waiting for abhi?
Faisu: Yes. Today is first day of college and he is not here
Avi: BB who is he? Are you talking about your friend with whom you went on my birthday?
Jai: Yes I also met him
Reem: I think we should go to class or else we all will be late
Faisu: Okay let's go. Princess I will guide you. Jai, reem, Raj, Ashu you know you class, right?
All: Yes

(All left for class. Avi went and sat on 2nd bench)

Avi's pov: I am a back bencher I don't want to sit here but I don't have any other option as remaining all seats are full

(A girl came and sat beside her)

Avi: Hi. I am Avneet kaur
Girl: Hi. I am Vaishnavi rao. So friends?
Avi: Yeah.

(Class starts. 1st lecture was English)

Avi's pov: Too boring lecture. Sid I want you to be here so that we can have some fun. I am really missing you alot

(Tears drop from her eyes)

Avi: I have to do something I can't handle this lecture anymore

(She took her earpods and put in ears covering by her hairs. Started listening music. Few minutes later)

Sir (pointing towards avi): Tell me the last rule

(Vaish shook her cause of this her earpods fall down and noticed by sir)

Sir: You girl just get out of my class.

(Avi took her belongings)

Vaish: You should say sorry to him Avneet
Avi: I won't. If i said sorry then again I will be in hell

(She left the class with a perfect smile. At exit she was patting her shoulder)

Avi (To herself): Proud of you. 1st year, 1st day, 1st lecture and you are kicked out of class.

(As she was busy with herself she bumped with a boy)

To be continue....

Any guesses who's that boy??

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