Chapter 30

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Abhi's pov: At the time of Mr. Ram's death me and partner away from each other for just 10days and it was difficult for me to live. We were in contact just away because we can't meet each other But you both are away From each other from last 1year I know how much difficult for you both. But chote after a long time I saw were laughing and having fun with faisu, raj, jai. I think you need friends now so that you can come up. Soon I will arrange some thing so that you can meet with all my friends partner, choti. After a long you slept without crying. Right now I will not share anything about me and partner to you because may be you get hurt sorry and I love you chote

(abhi caressed his hairs and kiss his forehead then drift to sleep. Next morning at college. In auditorium)

Mam: Students our college is organising 20th annual day after a week. If any of you want to participate in any program enroll your till tomorrow and specially there is no solo performance compulsory duet
Students: Yes mam
Mam: Now continue with your break time then back to studies

(All left for cafeteria)

Vaish: Any one of you want to participate?
Abhi: Partner I am thinking to participate in sports
Vaish: Me also. Will participate together
Faisu (Teasingly): Princess am I visible to you?
Abhi: Faisu stop this drama. We didn't ignore you
Avi: I am hungry
Abhi: Let's order something. Btw the are you two going to take part?
Faisu: I want to take part in dance competition
Avi: For that you need a partner and your partner far from you
Faisu: But I can take partner with you. We have a whole one week to practice
Avi: Sounds interesting. So I am in
Vaish: Then tomorrow first before lectures we will enroll names
Avi: Doll why not today after leave?
Abhi: Yeah we can but now have your meal and I will ask chote to join us on the day of function
Jai: Means bhoot will join us and that will be double fun. I am not participating. I will accompany bhoot
Abhi's pov: He will enjoy all these and can be happy like yesterday

(After attending lectures and enrolling name. They left for home)

(Day before annual day. Everyone done with lectures and were talking about tomorrow near the college gate)

Jai: Abhi bhoot is coming, right?
Avi: I also want to meet this guy.
Abhi(Teasingly): Why choti?
Avi: Because of him he is eating my head from last 4days and he is just too over excited. I never saw this excitment for reemi also
Reem: Seriously muski? If this is true then I am not going to leave him
Abhi: Okay guys don't fight. Jai he is coming and also excited to meet you
Faisu: Vaish tomorrow your devar is coming. First meeting with your in-law. How are feeling?
Vaish: I am hell nervous. How his brother will react?

(Avi's face became sad after listening this as she remember her time. Raj notice this)

Raj: Jerry are you okay?
Avi: Yeah I am. So tomorrow we will meet here at 8. First will go to lockers, then canteen, then dance, then games, then annual and dinner last
Everyone: Okay.
Raj: Means a day from morning till dinner?
Jai: Yes. Please inform to bhoot he is joining us for whole time
Abhi: Okay for sure (Everyone left home. Next morning. In Sid's home. Sid woke up and seems to be happy. Abhi was getting ready for college. Sid hugged abhi)
Abhi: Chote what happened?
Sid: Nothing. Going go college?
Abhi: Yes you are also joining me or else choti and jai will kill me
Sid: I can understand about jai but why your choti?
Abhi: Because from last some days jai is eating her head in excitment
Sid: Okay dada you go I am going to college for submission then directly will catch you
Abhi: Okay. And dayout is also planned (Abhi left. After few minutes. In college. Near lockers)
Raj: Guys you all go to canteen and order shake for me. Jaan and me are coming in a while
Avi (Teasingly): Tom we are also coming with you. Will go together in canteen
Jai: Where is bhoot?
Abhi: Can join us anytime
Raj: Jerry you are such a stubborn. I want to spend some alone time with my girlfriend so no one is joining us. Order milkshare and juice or us and wait for us
Avi: Okay want some romance (They left for canteen

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