Chapter 34

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(After 2 weeks. They all are meeting at Avi's home. In evening. Jaireem, Rajnoor, Faisu, Vaishu and avneet all were there and waiting for abhi. Faisu's family means mom and dad were also there. All were waiting for abhi. After sometime door bell rang. Avi went to open the door. As she opens the door she abhi was their with his mother. She hugged abhi so tightly)

Avi: I missed you so much
Abhi: I missed you more. Love you yaar
(Sid was there behind abhi and saw avneet. Was hella shocked)

Sid's pov: Avneet here but Avneet is my bhabhi? No way. She is dada's girlfriend? Means she moved on?

(Sid was totally broken from inside)

Avi: Love you too

(They broke the hug. She took blessing from VA. VA knows avi)

Abhi: Meet my younger brother Siddharth

(He came in front. Avi got shocked. Her face was blank)

Abhi: Chote meet she is my choti. Jai's sister
Sid: Choti?? Means your sister?

(Abhi nodded. Smile cript on Sid's face. But have blank expression)

Avi: Come inside

(Faisu came from behind)

Faisu's pov: Let's start the plan but first I have to control my mind. If princess read my mind and came to know about my plan then all vain
Faisu: Hey buddy we are waiting for you

(Faisu hugged abhi, sid and took blessing from VA)

Avi's pov: Sid he is dada's brother. I am meeting after a long time but

(Then faisu came near avi. Put his hand on Avi's shoulder. Avi came in senses. Sid was jealoues but compose himself. While going inside)

Faisu: Princess final we are meeting after a long time. You know I missed you so much
Avi: Even I missed you too BB
Sid's pov: BB means babyboy? He is her boyfriend?

(They all came inside. Jai came running hugged sid)

Jai: Hey bhoot meet my sister and baby he is my bff

(Both have weird and blank expression don't know how to react)

Abhi: Jai I already introduced them

(All greet each other and took blessing and introduce themselves)

Faisu: Hey all we arranged a get together doesn't mean you will stay here and talk each other only let's play games
F's mom: Bacho you all go and have your time. Let's elder have some gossip time
Sonia: Yes bacho you all go on other side of living area. We all elders will have fun here. Go I am sending you snacks and juice there only
Abhi: Yaa guys let's go. Here we will get bored only

(Sid was staring at avi only and avi was trying to ignore him)

(All moved towards the other side of living room)

Vaish: Now what to do?
Faisu: Let's makes some chits with dare. Let's play passing the ball. If you can complete your dare written on chit can continue the game if you can't then you will be out
Abhi: Yaa let's start

(After half an hour all were standing in circle. Avi-Faisu-Reem-Sid-Abhi-Raj-Ashu-Vaish-Avi. The first ball was take by jai)

Jai: Yaar aesa dare kaun likhta hain? I Quit
Raj: Jai what's the dare?
Jai: Purchase Eiffel  tower. I mean seriously. I quit
Vaish: Jai did I mentioned there real one? You can go for keychains also
Jai: So tomorrow I will
Faisu: No. You are quit the game. Now you can't

(Next was Ashu)

Ashu: Have 10 green chilly and you can't have anything for 10mins after green chilly
Raj: You aren't going to do this. Just quit the game. I am not going to do any compromise with your health
Ashu: Okay I quit
Reem: Yaar it will be boring. Chilly dare I wrote for muski but

(sid cuts her point)

Sid (Worried): Reem are you mad or what? Aese kaun dare

(Reem cuts his point)

Reem: Sid whenever she gets angry

(Avi cuts her point)

Avi: Shut up reemi let's continue the game
Sid: Reem tell me I want to know
Avi's pov: What to do now? Yaar reemi shut up. Iska gussa kaise handle karugi
Reem: Whenever she use to eat 10-15 red chillies without drinking water and all for 15-20mins

(Sid was shocked like hell)

Faisu's pov: Thank you meri behna.
Sid: then Whenever she gets happy she skips meal for chocolate

(All were shocked except Faisu)

Jai: Bhoot how do you this?
Sid's pov: Yaar what to do now?
Sid: I just assumed. Is it a fact?
Abhi: Yeah it's a fact. Now let's continue

(Faisu put his hand on Avi's shoulder. Sid was getting jealous)

Faisu (Whisper): Princess why are you getting stressed?
Avi (Whisper): BB now he will be angry with me. How will I manage with his anger?
Faisu (Whisper): But you said you aren't going to talk with him. You will ignore him, right?

(Now Avi's turn)

Faisu: Let me take a chit for you
Sid's pov: Why he trying to be close with her yaar. She have her hands she can take chit for herself

(Faisu took a chit from him pocket but acts like he took it from bowl)

To be continue.....

How's the chapter??
Will they talk or ignore??

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