Chapter 21

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(At night in Avi's room. SA and AU came. Jai was trying to feed avi)

SA: Beta have something from morning you didn't ate. Look at your face whole day you were crying for a person who is not worthy for you

(Avi hugged SA)

Avi: Mom he is pure soul. He is the best in the world
AU: Beta I trust you but in morning the way his dad was talking. Do you think he is belonging from a good family?
Avi: Dad uncle is not his real father. And from last 10months I know him he is not like that
SA: But beta may be that boy didn't loved you but

(Avi cuts her point)

Avi: Mumma till now he didn't hugged me properly. How can you think like this about him. He was the one who explains me that you both are different from others. I should trust you that's why I shared with you that I have friends who are boys. He is one who always encourage me to be the real one don't care for anyone except parents. Because of him only I started living my life happily
AU: Okay beta but you you have to forget him and moveon. Now have your meal and take rest

(both kissed her forehead and left. After crying a lot both drift to sleep. Next morning. Faisu and reem came. Jai narrate everything)

Reem: Jaiju we should take care of muski. She needs us

(They had some chit chat and left. At night. In sid's room. Abhi was forcing sid to have meal. In Avi's room jai was their to feed her)

Avi: jai I need your phone
Jai: Okay then you will have you meal
Avi: Okay

(She took jai's phone and call sid)

(Call conversation)

Avi: Hi I am Avneet

(Sid smiled a little after listening Avi's name)

Sid: Yes love
Avi: Tomorrow I want to meet you. Will you?
Sid: Yes ofcourse in college
Avi: No sid. In cafe near college
Sid: Okay. Avi have your meal for me please
Avi: Hmm. You also.
Sid: Okay. Btw from which number you are calling?
Avi: Jai's. Acha bye will meet you tomorrow

(Hang up call)

(In sid's room. Sid feels happy)

Abhi: Chote now your are happy?
Sid: Yes dada
Abhi: Okay. Have your meal

(Sid had his meal. Meanwhile in Avi's room)

Jai: Now have your meal

(Avi also had her meal)

(Both drift to sleep. Next day. Sid was waiting for avi in cafe)

Sid's pov: Don't know what to do? But i know one thing I can't stop myself from loving you

(Avi came. The biggest smile cript on their faces. Seat beside sid on sofa. Sid hugged her. She also hugged him back)

Avi's pov: Don't know what to do? But I can't stop myself from loving you. The way you always love me

(Waiter came. They broke the hug. Avi saw some scars and buries on Sid's hand and face. They order)

Avi: What's all this sid?
Sid: It's nothing love. Tell me have you had your meals on time?
Avi: Yeah I did.
Sid's pov: I know lier

(Order arrived)

Avi: Now answer about your meals and what's all this?
Sid: Yeah. I had
Avi's pov: I know lier

(Sid narrates her everything and than she also narrates her everything)

Avi: Listen I want something
Sid: Order it love don't worry about anything
Avi: Buddhu I want something from you
Sid: Say
Avi: I want break up

(Sid's smile fed and his heart broke in many piecess)

Sid: But love what happened?
Avi: Sid I can't see you like this. I mean I will wait for you till your father will except me

(Sid cuts her point)

Sid: First he is not my father and second his opinion doesn't matter for me
Avi: I know but it's not possible for me to see you like this regularly. Sid you will get another girl like or much better than me but you never get your mom back if you lost her and most important you know how you feel without father, right?
Sid (sadly): Okay. Wb our love?
Avi: Sid I will wait for you. No one can separate us but now we have to. So swear on me till You won't try to contact me or be in touch with me till our family is approving for us
Sid: Okay. But i can't live without you love
Avi: I know love it's difficult for us but it's most difficult for me to see you in this condition and because of us why your bhai and mom have to suffer?
Sid: Okay. I will
Avi: Now delete my number

(Unwillingly they both delete numbers and got separated. Left for home)

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