Chapter 47

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(Suddenly raj starts laughing. Sidneet were shocked)

Jai (laughing): Look at your faces. It was a prank

(Avi was crying violently. Faisu came near her to calm her down. Sid jerk faisu's hand)

Sid: Prank was enough for us

(Sid hugged her. She also hugged him back. Both were crying)

Sid: Calm down love. They don't know our feelings. It's just a prank for them
Abhi: Chote
Sid (cuts him): We don't need anyone's support. Love I won't let you go this time away from me. We Will fight with all for our love
Jai: Baby I am sorry

(Still avi was crying)

Sid: Love calm down

(caressing her hair)

Reem: See jaiju I told you don't do this
Faisu: Prince calm down. Sorry from behalf of all
Vaish: Sorry sid sorry jhalli

(Avi wasn't responding. Anu notice this)

(Author: Readers anyone knows what happened to her??)

Anu: Guys stop all this. Why jaan isn't responding??

(Sid shows his palm to stop her)

Sid: I will take care of her. I thought you all will support us. But thanks for "THIS" support
Ash: Sid stop your anger and check at neet

(Avi wasn't conscious)

(All were shocked. Sid shaked her. Try to awake her. But no response)

Jan: Let's take her in college clinic

(Sid took her in bridal style and ran towards college clinic)

Vaish: Mam she is unconscious please check her what happened?

(Sid laid her on bed)

Mam: All go out and wait. Let me check her

(All left and drag sid along with them. Abhi kept his hand on Sid's shoulder)

Abhi: Chote calm down. She will be fine

(Sid jerk his hand)

Sid (shout): Dada if anything happen to her health. I am not gonna talk to anyone of you. Abhi bhai, Jai thanks for this type of care. You all can leave for lecture
Vaish: Sid calm down I am with you. I also won't talk with anyone
Sid: Vaishnavi you should thought this before prank
Vaish: Sid I didn't support them but
Sid (cuts her point): Please you all can go for lecture and leave us alone

(Sid can't stop his tears. Doctor came out)

Doctor: I want to talk with one who knows her from start or call her parents. Cause it's a serious matter

(Jai came in front. All were serious and tensed after listening this)

Jai: She is my sister I know her Doctor
Doctor: Jaijeet did she ever got panic attack?
Jai: No doctor
Doctor: Today she got panic attack. It's her first so be careful from next time. Its not good for health. Is everything alright jaijeet? Cause these types of panic attacks took place because of some sudden shock. I must suggest you later take her hospital for proper check up

(Sid was looking at group with full anger in eyes)

Jai: Okay doctor. Thank you. Can we meet her?
Doctor: No. Not now. 1st she should get her conscious

(Doctor left)

Sid (Angrily): Now you all should go for lecture
Jai: I am not going anywhere she is my sister she needs me
Sid (Shouts): Get lost you all
Reem: Calm down sid
Sid: Then go away from us

(Sadly All left. Sid sat near avi)

Faisu: Guys we can't go for lecture now. As half lecture is completed and teachers are not gonna allow us to attend

(Jai was verge of crying)

Raj: Let's go to canteen guys

(They all goes to canteen)

Jai (crying): Because of this stupid prank my sister got panic attack
Reem (angrily): You shouldn't support them for this prank. You are the only one who knows her proper condition but then you supported. Seriously Jaiju I can't believe on this. What if something happened
Jai (cuts her and shout): Shut up reemu. I know I was wrong
Anu: Guys calm down we all are equal responsible for this prank
Reem (shouts): No Anu jaiju is mostly responsible. As he knows her sister's condition more than anyone else. Not even sid knows about her

(Jai holds her hand she got quite)

Abhi: Reem what happened?
Reem: Nothing Abhi bhai
Vaish: We have to do something

(Meanwhile with sidneet. After few minutes avi got conscious. Sid hugged her tightly. She also hugged him back. Both have tears in eyes)

Sid: Love are you okay??
Avi: Yes I am. But you?
Sid: Don't worry I am fine
Avi: Love where are all? Why we are here?

(Sid narrates everything to her)

Avi: Love they all must be worried for me. I want to talk with them. I am not angry on them. May I?


To be continue.....

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