Chapter 16

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(1st day of 12th std. In college)

Sid: Love getting bore
Avi: Hmm me too. But I am super excited today
Sid: Why? Is anything special today?
Avi: Yes love today jai is coming
Sid: Oh! Saale sahab se milne ke liye itni khushi
Avi: Sid (Blushing)

Sid: Yes. Mine red tomato
Avi: I am talking not with you (blushing but try to act angry)

Sid: I will not tease you, Ok?
Avi: Ya. Now okay
Sid: So Mrs. Siddharth Nigam tell me what to do now?
Avi: S....iddd (Blushing hard core)

Sid: OMG!! Love you are killing me (Kiss her on cheek)

Avi: We are in lecture (Blushing)

Sid: How can I concentrate on this pakau's lecture when my red tomato is blushing in front of me
Avi: Love listen (To divert topic)

Sid: Say love
Avi: Will you be regular student this year?
Sid: No Babygirl. You know dad
Avi: Okkay. I will also not a regular student. Cause I will be bored like hell without jaan
Sid: Okay. Will inform you so that we can come together
Avi: Sure. (They had some more chit chat. After college. At Avi's home. Jai and Reem came. Hug everyone)

Jai: I missed you so much baby
Avi: Mee to baby.
SA: Jai you took proper care of your health, right?
Jai: Yes. Mumma
Avi(whispered): Yeah. After all this was done by Rimi

Rimi (whisper): Muski stop na
Avi (Whisper): Rimi I am not talking with your boyfriend. I am talking with my baby

Jai (whisper): Yeah. When you will get your boyfriend then we will see

(Avi blush little noticed by jai)

Avi (Whisper): Should I share with mom and dad about my rimi bhabhi?
Rimi: No no
AU: What happened beta?
Avi: Dad I was talking with (Jai cuts her)
Jai: Nothing papa you know na. How baby is!
Avi: Wait baby. Papa I was asking from Rimi about (Reem noded)

Avi: What if I will drop her? (Jaireem got relief)

Rimi: Muski bhaiya is coming to pick me
Avi: Now finally we can meet him
(After a few minutes a Faisu came at Avi's house. Faisu saw reem and hugged her)

Reem: Bhai missed you a lot
Faisu: Gudiya missed you too alot. Now you are studying here only in university (They broke the hug)

Reem: Bhai He is my friend jaijeet singh. She is his sister Avneet my best friend
Avi: Yeah! I know why you are my best friend
Reem: Shut up muski btw he is faisal sheikh my elder brother
(Faisal took blessing from Avi's parents. Shook hand with avi and jai)

Faisu: Gudiya let's go
SA: Beta have your lunch here only spend sometime with us
Faisu: Aunty next time actually
(Jai cuts him)
Jai: Reemu please
Faisu(widen his eyes): Reemu?
Avi: Yeah! They are good friends they can call each other with weird names, Right?
Faisu: Yeah okay.
Reem: Hash we are safe
(Avi winked her)

Jai: Reemu come I will show you my room (Jaireem left)

SA: Muskan go with him and show him house
Avi: Yeah come (Avi and fais went)

Faisu: So in which class?
Avi: I am in 12th. This is my room (Showing her room)

Faisu: Nice (Fais saw a photo)

Faisu's pov: How she knows her? Should I ask her for help?
Avi: She is my best friend and how can I help you?
Faisu: How you heard?
Avi: I can do mind reading
Faisu: Oh! We were in same hostel when I was in 11th and she was in 10th
Avi: Oh! Means now you are first year student?
Faisu: Yes. From which college?
Avi: ST college and you?
Faisu: University
Avi: Okay. And how can I help you?
Fais's pov: Should I tell her? Is she trustworthy?
Avi: If you want you can share it with me. Don't worry your secret will be 100% safe with me after all it's about my friend
Faisu: But how do... Oh shit I forget. Let's go for lunch
Avi (laughing): Yeah let's go (Both went dinning table)

Avi's pov: Sid you were correct I shouldn't try to be introvert
Faisu's pov: She is too danger yaar

(They had lunch. Reem, Fais left for home)

To be continue....

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