Chapter 1: who?

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"I broke up with Iroh"

Dr. Tenzin's eyebrows shot up



Iroh and I have been dating for the past six months, he was a great guy, really, he was kind, brave, nice and... Classically handsome, to say the least.
Our relationship was good, until I just... Stopped. Just stopped out of nowhere, stopped finding him charming, stopped loving his litte quarks, stopped feeling anything except irritation.


"That's interesting" he leaned forward "I was under the impression that you were very happy with him"

"I was, and then I wasn't"

"So, what happened there?"

Ugh, therepy I rolled my eyes and hugged the pillow harder that's why I hate it so much, talking everything through, focusing on stupid shit I don't want to focus on
And everything takes patience and it's so tiring.

"He's a sweet guy" I sighed "nothing bad happened between us, and for a while I was head over heels for him, but he just... He wasn't it"

"Wasn't it?"

"I don't know how to explain it... But he wasn't it, I could just feel that he wasn't it for me, I just...." I sighed

"Was this a recent break up?"

"Well... I just came back from it, so you can say that" I chuckled "he... Seemed to take it pretty well..."

"That's good, and how are you taking it?"

That took me by surprise and my eyebrows shot up
"Uh... Dr. Tenzin... I broke up with him... Why would I take it badly? It's what I wanted"

Tenzin sighed "well, you told me you broke up with Iroh because he 'wasn't it', that tells me that you might still care for him"

"I do" I said "care for him, I mean... But I... I had to, it just didn't feel the same, it didn't feel like it did with-" I stopped myself with a sigh

"With Mako?" He offered and raised his eybrow

"Oh, god, no." I laughed nervously "You "I uh... Actually never talked about this... With anyone"

"Oh" Tenzin leaned back against his chair "and why is that?"

"Because it's pathetic, and dumb"

"Your feelings are not dumb, Korra"

"But it was such a long time ago!" I pouted "It's ridiculous that I'm not long over the whole thing, There's barely anything for me to be over about!"

"Taking your time to heal isn't something to be ashamed of, you just...-" he gestured with his hand and trailed off

"If you're going to say be patient I'm gonna punch you in the throat" I threatend him with a scowl

He gulped "No, I was going to say that.... You should talk this through? Give yourself a chance of closure, maybe it could help"

"Hmph" I huffed and fell back against the couch "maybe... Obviously denying it is no good so... What have I got to lose?"

He sat in silence, waiting for me to start talking

I sighed

I should start talking, shouldn't I?

But It feels like there's a lump in my throat

That's exactly why I never talked about it, I couldn't.

Talking about it... Was admitting my feelings, admitting my heartbreak, admitting defeat.

But it has been five years... It can't harm our none-existent friendship anymore...

Why is it so hard?

"It's silly," I started "it's silly that I still think about it, everyday, and I..." I sighed "I can't get her off my mind, no matter what I do, my mind just comes back to her"

He was silent for a few moments



"Y-yeah..." I mumbled
Shit. Shit. Shit.

"And who is her?" He asked softly

That's it? No drama around the her part?

That was unexpected.

"Yes, her...M-my ex-bestfriend" I said and inhaled deeply

"It all started six years ago, back in highschool, that's when we first met"

I raised my head and caught his eyes

"When I met Asami Sato"

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