Chapter 3: Perfect

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"That's... Not what I expected" Tenzin said and scratched his beard

"Neither did I" I chuckled "If you told me back then that this girl will become my everything, I would've laughed"


7 years ago

"Asami! Over here!" Mako waved towards her at the other side of the cafeteria

She rushed over and sat besides him "Hey sweetie" she pecked him on the cheek and I rolled my eyes

This two have been dating ever since that stupid date of them at Kwong's about a week and a half ago, not that I care, I don't.

"Hey babe" he answers and I felt a pang of jealousy in my chest

Ok, maybe I do care.

But It's not that I think he belongs with me or that I think I'm better then her that upsets me, no, my problem is that she's perfect.

Like, c'mon! It's unfair really- the girl is gorgeous beyond belief as we established, but she's also like super smart, she's kind, nice and apparently, crazy rich.

And she has that stupid smile that just makes you melt on the inside.

Like I can't even grasp how Mako landed this absolute angel, and that's saying a lot.

"So, Korra, I was thinking you and Bolin could come hangout with us in my place later?" Asami asked me sweetly.

"I'm gonna have to pass" I say immediately without taking my eyes off my plate

"Oh come on!" Mako pouts "we never hang out together as a group, and I barely even see you lately, I miss you!"

So maybe you should hang out with me instead of miss perfect hai-

"Yeah Korra, c'mon! I'd love to get to know you more"

I look up to see her smiling at me, at the sight I get a warm feeling spread in my chest.

"I-I... Uh..." I mumble nervously, is it getting hot in here? "Well...Me thinks... I mean... Uh..."

That's great wording

Shut up.

For some reason, seeing he- both of them so eager to hang out with me makes me feel like I can't say no without looking like an absolute asshole.

"Fine." I sigh

"Awesome! I'll have Mako text you the details" she winks at me and I blush, why does she have such a strong effect on me?

"So where is Bolin anyways?" I changed the subject dropping my gaze back to the plate in hope that she wouldn't notice my blush

"Oh, he's probably sitting with miss dream girl again" Mako waved it off dismissively "the boy got it bad"

"Understenable, Opal is cute" Asami says and quickly adds "if you're into that I mean."

What... was that supposed to mean?

Well, she does have a point, Opal is kinda cute with her short brown hair, tanned skin and green eyes, though I kinda figured water tribe people are more his type since he had a crush on both me and my cousin Eska (and maybe her twin brother Deska? It really wasn't clear) But I mean hey she seems like a great person.

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