Chapter 19: Kicked out, part 2

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"you'd kill to be my girlfriend." She states with a cocky ass grin, she tries to project confidence, but I can still detect some uncertainty in her eyes, like she's looking for a particular answer.

This is your chance.

I part my lips to tell her that yes, infact, I would kill to be her girlfriend, but I'm cut off by my phone's ringtone, and jump in suprise. Who the fuck just interrupted our almost-moment?

I look at the caller ID and see that it's my dad calling, my eyes are blown wide, does the guy have a fucking tracking chip on me?

The last two weeks, I've been keeping my distance from Korra. Not just because of our fight, but also because my dad has been up my ass this entire time. He's been coming back early from work to supervise me like a freaking child, giving me curfews, and going through the list of my friends, deciding on which of them he approves of and which one's he doesn't.

And Korra didn't make the cut. Actually, she was the first one to go.

He also started stalking me on Instagram, he didn't mention it, but it was obvious he did. So I started posting a lot more, from partys, from meeting with approved friends, etc, just so that he wouldn't get suspicious and give me a little more freedom, which gradually worked.

Finally after two weeks, he had to work late and I was left alone, so I took this opportunity to  meet up with Korra, finally, to apologize and maybe share a little. And now he's calling out of nowhere.

"Holy shit he knows." I say quietly in slight panic and answer the call.

"Knows wha–" she starts and I cut her off, gagging her with my hand.

"H-hey dad..." I swallowed thickly and muttered. Please god let this be just a random call and nothing else.

"Where are you?" He shouts on the other side of the line and I tense up, pursing my lips together "You're supposed to be home by this time! I did not allow you to go out today! Are you out with someone who I forbade you from seeing?"

I feel Korra's confused eyes on me, how am I going to explain this to her later? I can't tell her what's going on, she'll go talk to my dad and he'll know I'm seeing her...

"Dad, I'm not–" I try.

"–Are you with that fucking dyke?" He interrupts me immediately with a harsh breath.

My heart started racing, I knew exactly who he was talking about "No! She isn't–" I turn my worried gaze to Korra, who looks at me with her eyebrows close together.

"What the fuck are you two doing? I swear to god if I find out you're doing anything inappropriate you will never see daylight again! I'll call the police on her if she touched you in any way shape or form–"

"No, it's nothing like that." I answer in all honesty and shake my head, trying really hard to keep my cool.

"Get yourself over here. Now." He demanded with a threatening tone.

I sigh "Fine. I'll be right there. Bye." I hang up and breath out, unable to keep my breath from trembling with fear "I need to go." I mutter towards Korra while withdrawing my hand from her mouth.

"What's wrong?" She says with a concerned and suspicious tone.

"Nothing!" I answer a little too quickly while getting up and sliding my phone back into my pocket "I mean, it's nothing," I say calmly trying to fix my mistake "it's just my dad, I can handle him." I assure her.

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