Chapter 29: Reflecting

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"The park is full of good memories, don't you think?" Asami asked me with a huge grin before hurrying up and running inside.

I laughed, memories? For sure, good? Not really, I honestly can't recall any good memories from it.

I followed her, watching her scan the environment with a nostalgic smile before stopping next to a bench, eyeing it slowly and turning to me "Do you remember this bench?" She asked, pointing at it.

I squint my eyes, trying to think back about what might have happened there, before I remember and laugh.

"How could I not?"


7 years ago, Asami's POV:

I should break up with him.

He was a good guy really, he was handsome and sweet, but I just don't like him, not the way I should.

And I like her the way I shouldn't.

I really thought he could fix me, that maybe he'd be a guy I'll be able to love, and the way I feel around girls would suddenly go away. But what if it's impossible? What if it's not hormones, and it's just the way I am? Unfixable?

"Hello?" I suddenly hear a voice besides me and see a hand waving infront of my face. I snap back to reality and turn to the voice, seeing the star of my thoughts there, looking at me with confusion.

"Oh, sorry, hey..." I mumble towards Korra.

"Are... You ok?" She asked, pursing her lips in concern.

"Yes, of course!" I wave her off "I just...Have some..." Gay thoughts about you? "Stuff, on my mind."

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She suggests.

I go quiet, not looking at her eyes directly as if she could see through me if I did.

Talk about it? With her? What am I supposed to say? Hey Korra I know I'm dating your best friend but I'm actually secretly crushing on you and fantasizing about kissing you and doing all sorts of stuff to you that I shouldn't even say aloud?

And even if I don't mention my girl crush which might be an actual crush on her, what then? I tell her I think I might be gay, she'll say that's disgusting and that I'm a horrible fucking person and that I'm taking advantage of Mako...

"Hey," she snaps me out of my thoughts again, taking my hand and speaking softly "you can tell me anything," she assures me "you know that, right?"

I meet her eyes, her genuine, tender, sapphire blue eyes. And I stare, drowning in her blue, unable to look away.

Could I tell her anything? Could I really?

I suddenly notice that she leaned in a little, her face just a few inches from mine. My pupils diaolate and I start breathing heavily, thoughts racing through my head, thoughts I definitely shouldn't be having about my friend.

I could spend forever with her.

I notice her eyes breaking the eye contact, and dropping down slowly. I could almost swear that she's eyeing my lips. She leans a little closer before a sudden "Hey guys!" Caused us both to jump away from each other in suprise.

My heart started racing, I was almost caught, I should've been more careful.

I look sideways, seeing Opal eyeing Korra and I in confusion.

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