Chapter 6: awkward teen date

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No, no! It just won't do! I grunt in frustration and tear the crop top away from my body.

After a week of awkwardly avoiding each other, and another two weeks of trying to schedule said date unsuccessfully, we finally found a free night that works for the both of us.

We decided he'd pick me up at eight and we'll walk together to Narook's since neither of us has a car, the only problem is that it was currently 7:57 and I'm standing in a bra staring at my reflection in the mirror wandering why I thought it was a good idea.

"Korra! A boy named Mako's here to see you!" I hear my mom call from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yell back. Fuck it, I think to myself and pull a fire ferrets jersey over my head.

Too casual? Maybe I'll wear my hair down... I  pull out my wolf tails and quickly comb my hair.

I gave myself one last look in the mirror, then shrugged and went downstairs. I see my mom standing with eyebrows raised in the entrance to the leaving room, and when I enter I can see my father standing with a hostile expression and crossed arms, flexing his muscles to look more intimidating, about six  feet apart from him stands Mako, wearing a black button up shirt with the sleeves folded up to his albows, blue jeans and boy, does he look terrified. They just stand there staring at one another with no words are spoken in this weird exchange.

It takes everything in my power  to not burst out laughing from this absurd scene.

My mother shot me an amused glance, that clearly says "this is gold."

I clear my throat with a amirkand Mako's head snaps at my direction "ready?" I ask him and rub the back of my neck.

He nodded eagerly "uh, it was, nice to meet you, sir..."

"Ah huh" dad said with an unimpressed tone.

"...and ma'am"

"Please, call me Senna" mom chuckled softly "you kids have fun, but not too much!"


"Be safe!"

"We're leaving. now." I grabbed Mako and dragged him out of the house.

"Be back untill eleven!" I hear her call out before I slam the door.

"I'm so sorry about them..." I say apologeticly.

"Don't worry about it" he chuckles. "Your father is horrifying."

I snort dismissively and roll me eyes with a chuckle.

After that we just stand there in awkward silence not making eye contact for a few moments, untill he finally breaks the silence.

"You look..." He gestured with his hand awkwardly "...nice."

"Oh, uh, thanks" I blush a little.

This is weird.

"Um, after you?"

"Oh, right, sure" he says and starts walking.

We spend the entire 10 minutes walk  in silence, avoiding each other gazes, his hands are stuck in his pockets and he seems a bit tense, can't blame him though, this is super awkward.

We finally enter the restaurant and place an order, we sit there silently for a few extra moments, with him bouncing his fingers nervously on the table and me staring at the floor.

"So, soccer, huh?"

I lift my gaze to meet his "uh... Yeah" I smile Weakly "I still can't believe you made it to team captain."

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