Chapter 28: Decisions

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"I hate this." I declare in irritation as Mako raises his phone and a flash almost blinds me.

"I love this." He states with an amused and satisfied grin.

"I don't get why you're so grumpy about it," Opal laughs "you look beautiful!"

"Ugh," I roll my eyes "why did I agree to this again?"

"Because you love me," she said simply and smiled, then she turned to Mako "I think this is the one." She gestured to the dress I was wearing.

Mako laughs "Definitely."

My eyes widen "It's bright pink!"

"Goes with your skin."

"And it has a deep ass cleavage!'

"Asami will thank me," she winked.

I grunt in frustration and push down my blush "can we at least get this in blue or something normal?"

"You said you'll wear whatever!" Opal exclaimed in protest.

"Please?" I beg desperately, swallowing up my pride.

"Fine," she surrenders "but you are a terrible friend."

"Thank you," I breath out in relief.

Opal rolled her eyes and went up to the worker who helped us, asking if we can get the same dress in the same size but in blue instead of pink, the worker nodded and left to bring us one. Meanwhile, I got back into the dressing room and took off that horrible, horrible dress, wearing instead my comfy jeans and a workout shirt.

"How do people wear those things regulary?" I ask in disbelief, getting  out carrying the folded dress and handing it over to one of the employees.

"It's comfortable," Opal explained "and it's got ventilation for your–"

"Ok!" I cut her off, waving my hands infront of my face "I get it!"

"Yeah, I could live without this information Opal," Mako mumbled.

"Why are you even here?" Opal asked him suddenly "I mean I love you and everything but you hate shopping for girly stuff."

"First things first, I wanted to document this moment forever," he spoke, opening the picture of me with a pink dress on his phone, making Opal giggle in response "Secondly, Korra told me to come here cause she needed 'mental support' or something like that," he continued "and third, me and Korra have a thing after this."

"What thing?" Opal asked curiously.

"Just... A thing," I say, as if it explains everything.

"C'mon tell me?" Opal said with big puppy eyes "I'm your best friend!"

"Nah," I chuckled, it wasn't really a big secret, but it's fun to mess with her like this.

"Fuck you guys,"  she took out her tongue and folded her arms, frowning "I hate both of you now."

"Alright!" I laugh "I'll tell you later, but for now let's just finish with this shopping spree? Where to next?"

Opal looked at me with an evil grin "Shoes."

My eyes widen when I caught the meaning of her smile "No," I warn her "I will not be putting on high heels." I state.

"I figured you'd say that," she laughed like an evil villain "so I made Asami promise me she wouldn't wear flats."

I gasp "You didn't."

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