Chapter 24: bachelorette party, part 1

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I knock at Asami's door, bouncing my leg to pass the time while I wait for her to answer the door.

You'd think after her father's arrest, she'd move into his big ass awesome mansion that has a fucking pool and a racetrack, but actually no. Instead she bought a penthouse apartment at the opposite end of the city, as far away as she possibly can from her old house. I guess it was filled with old and unwelcomed memories.

I asked her earlier today if she wanted to meet up before we head to Opal's party, she answered saying that I should come to her place so that we could head down there together, and she texted me her address, which was exciting, I've never been to her place before.

She swang the door open with a smile, grabbing my arm and pulling me inside into a tight embrace, not even taking a moment to say 'hi', or 'come in'. I stay frozen from shock, but eventually relax into her arms.

"Did you miss me that much?" I laugh and pull away, taking her in.

She was wearing dark jean shorts which showed just the right amount of ass, she tucked into the  a purple top on that highlighted her eyeshadow and had a deep enough cleavage to take my breath away but not enough so that it'd be too extreme. I also noticed she was wearing flats– which I very much appreciated given how fucking tall she is.

"I had the worst day," she groaned and then gave me a tired smile "but it just got way better..." She mumbled before pecking me on the lips.

"Something happened?" I ask in concern, brushing her cheek with the back of my hand.

"No," she sighed "I guess it just one of this days huh?"

"Well, if you wanna talk about it, I'm here for you, alright?"

She nodded and smiled "Thanks" she said genuinely, and reached to close the door behind her "did you walk all the way here from your place?"

"No, I drove," I answer and get in, looking curiously at the apartment "I thought I could drive us to the party afterwards."

"Oh," she says nervously "I thought we'd just take a cab or something..."

"Does it matter?" I ask in confusion and raise an eyebrow, turning back to her.

"Well... No not really, I just assumed we'll be drinking?"

"I can still drink though, just not as much."

"Yeah but you know, even like a little amount of alcohol could still cloud your judgement," she rambles "and it just seems like a silly risk to take, not to mention that if we take a cab from here you could drink freely which is always good–"

"–I'll still have to drive home from here," I interject and cross my arms, is it just me or does she seem a little fixated on me not driving?

"No you don't," she says nonchalantly.

"Yes I do, my car is here," I point out, as if she completely forgotten why we were having this conversation in the first place.

"Then why don't you stay the night?" She suggested sheepishly, tucking a piece of stray hair behind her ear and looking at me with an adorable hopeful expression.

My eyes widen and my lips part in suprise, that was not what I was expecting to hear at all, staying the night is like, a different level. I mean sure she stayed the night in my place after the um... Reunion, but we kinda fell asleep accidentally. No, this is staying the night intentionally, which is one step closer to what I was aiming for with her.

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