Chapter 22: The morning aftet

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I don't even remember when we fell asleep.

But there she was, right beside me, sleeping peacefully, her lips are slightly parted and  her chest rises and falls as she breaths in and out softly.

I can't help but stare, admiring her beauty, brushing my thumb against her perfect cheekbone, bewildered that someone like her would ever sleep with someone like me even once. Let alone twice now. It seems too good to be true, but it is, and I'm so thankful. Especially considering how incredible last night was.

I sit up with a groan, grabbing my phone from the night stand and opening it, seeing I have 21 unread messages from the krew and Opal.

I get up, pull a pair of boxer briefs on and get out of the room, leaning on the kitchen counter and opening the messages

The Krew:

Opal [22:04]:
Ok now that me and Bolin R gone, can we talk about the sexual tension between Kor and Asami??

Mako [22:12]:
Korra has a boyfriend tho

Bolin [22:13]:
They broke up bro.

Mako [22:27]:

Mako [22:27]:
Then yeah, definitely sexual tension there

Bolin [22:28]:
D u d e you gotta tell us what happened after we left!

Mako [22:28]:

Mako [22:28]:
I'm not there

Opal [22:34]:

Opal [22:34]:
What do you mean you're not there???

Mako [22:36]:
I left soon after you did.

Opal [22:51]:
So you left them.

Mako [23:15]:

Opal [23:21]:
They're alone.

Mako [23:26]:

Opal [23:30]:
And Korra's not answering her phone.

Mako [23:31]:
Where are you going with this?

Opal [23:31]:

Private messages:

Opal [23:32]:
Girl seriously?? First time you meet her?? SLUT.

Opal [23:32]:
Jk, but you gotta give me the det's afterwards!

Opal [23:33]:
Have fun! Use a condom!

I chuckle and roll my eyes, Opal has literally no shame, I type a quick response and hit send.

Korra [09:54]:
We're both girls Opal, we don't need condoms.

After I sent it, I feel slender arms wrap around my waist and a soft kiss pressed against the back of my neck, causing me to smile.

"Good morning sexy," I hear Asami saying in a sleepy voice, pressing her body against my bare back.

"Good morning gorgeous," I laugh and put my hands on hers, squeezing slightly "sleep well?"

"Yeah," she rested her chin on my shoulder "but now I'm starving."

"I can make pancakes."

"Is that like a tradition you do after sleeping with someone?"

"Uh..." Oh, right, I made pancakes after our first time too"Maybe?"

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