Chapter 12: Dad's calling.

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"Can we talk?"

I can barely grasp that she's actually here, and all the emotions I felt in the last two weeks came flooding through me. I want to cry, and hug her, and apologize, and kiss her, all at the same time.

But instead of doing any of that, I keep standing there, gaping at her, shocked,  not saying a word, taking her in.

We continue to stand there, not exchanging a word, untill she finally is the first one to break this silence.

"Look, I–"

"–I'm sorry!" I blurt out "I'm so so sorry! I'm sorry for avoiding you, and not returning your calls, and for not even telling you why–"

"–Korra it's–"

"–And I completely overstepped talking like that about your dating life I barely know anything about it and I shouldn't have judged you for it–"

"–Korra, you're babbling–"

"–And I know I'm a terrible person and I know you must hate me and I hate me too for it just know that I am truly sorry for– Mmfh!?"

She shuts me up, slapping her hand on my mouth, her eyes wide open with shock– probably as a result from the amount of talking I just did in such a short time.

"Korra, listen carefully," She emphasizes each syllable "I, don't, hate, you,". My eyebrows shot up to my hairline in suprise. "Ok?" She narrows her eyes and scans me to make sure I understand, I nod eagerly in response.

"I'm going to remove my hand now," she states "and when I do, I expect you to function as a normal, not completely insane person. Understood?"  I nod again, and She withdraws her hand slowly but surely, while I wait quietly.

"I'm sorry," I mumble a moment later, "I'm so, so sorry."

"I somehow got that," she chuckled "but don't be, you weren't wrong." She got inside the room and crashed onto my bed.

"I wasn't wrong?" I ask in confusion "Yes I was, of course I was!" I shake my head no.

"Nah, you had a point." She laughs "I'm a disgusting person, who's been unfair to a bunch of people. It's fine, I own it now."

"Asami!" I say in disbelief, "Don't say that!"

"Why?" She pulls herself into a sitting position " I'm only saying what everyone is thinking."

"Nobody is thinking that."  I kneel down to look at her eye to eye "I don't think that."

"How?" She raises her head to look at me, I feel an ache in my chest when I meet her broken expression. "After I snapped at you like that only because I saw you with Mako? After what I said?"

"You were only looking out for me," I rub her knee  soothingly "because you are a good person."

"No," she shakes her head and blinks away tears "no, I'm not."

I grab her chin and force her to look me in the eyes "Don't you ever," I grit my teeth and frown at her "talk like that about my best friend. Capiche?"

She gives a small smile "Or you'll kick my ass?"

"Or I'll kick your ass." I confirm with an evil smirk. I get up to sit besides her wrapping my arm around her waist, she rests her head on my shoulder with a sigh.

"Sorry about dropping in on you like that," she laughs, emberessed "I just really needed someone... I've been getting pretty lonely recently."

"Seriously? I was under the impression you were having the time of your life."

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