Chapter 4: This is 'it'

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"Hey, Sami!" I call towards her and close my locker

My relationship with the heiress over the last couple of weeks has been a weird one

It  started with me hating her guts when she started dating Mako, then she invited to hang out with them at her big ass mansion about two months ago and let me almost crash one of her race cars (I'm not a good driver.), and turns out the girl is just awesome- she's kind and understanding, she's just as stubborn as me but she has more grace about it, she's intense and competitive but also compassionate and caring and I kinda have a girl crush on her, which is a thing that friends who are just friends can have- which I know 'cause she told me she has a girl crush on me.

Needless to say we're friends now, we hang out with Mako and Bolin all the time and sit together at launch everyday, and I really really want her to like me.

I'm pretty sure I still like Mako since I can still feel this ugly jealousy bubbling inside me everytime I see those two together, but I... Well, I don't know. I don't know what I want, I don't know what to do, I just don't know.

"Hey, hot stuff" she eyes me up and down with a smirk "been working out?"

"Always" I said with a cocky grin and flex my biceps

She stares at them for a few seconds, then she turns away with a tint of pink on her cheeks- which is super fucking adorable and also kinda weird?

"So, I uh... I was wondering if you wanna hang out later?" She said sheepishly and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear

"Yeah, sure, you asked the boys yet?"

"Actually, I was thinking just the two of us?"

My eyebrows shot up this is new, just the two of us?

I guess I looked really suprised because she started looking nervous

"S-sorry...I just thought... you know... We're both like friends, right?" She started "and friends like, hang out together and all so I thought that maybe you'd want to do that or something... I mean it was a stupid idea anyways so if you don't want to that's fine-"

"-Asami, you're rambling" I cut her off with a chuckle

She gulped "I-I was? sorry..."

"Also, I'd love to hang out with you" honestly I would, I really like spending time with her, because, well, she's amazing!

"Y-you would?" She asked with a small smile

"Yeah, I was just suprised cause I never really had a girlfriend I could hang around and do stuff with"

She seemed to choke on the words and she looked at me with a complete and utter shock, that's when I realized what other meaning could be to my words and turned beet red

"I just meant...! Like girls who are friends... And not  like, well girlfriends!" I exclaimed nervously "cause like, you're with Mako so you're obviously not into girls and me neither so why would I think-"

"Korra, it's fine" she said with a smile that didn't seem to reach her eyes
"See you at the park after school, 'girlfriend' " she chuckled and walked away

Shit is she actually upset about it? But why? I didn't mean to imply anything and made it clear so why did she look upset for a moment?

And why did my heart  at the word 'girlfriend' ?

When I reached the park, Asami was already there, she was sitting on a bench and seemed deep i thought

"Hey" I say and sit down besides her

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