Chapter 8: Harmless flirting

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Current day:

"You never mentioned anything about loving women too" Tenzin pointed out.

I shrugged "I don't really go yelling it out on the streets either."

"Are you ashamed?"

I shake my head "it's just... It caused me a lot of problems in my life I guess" I sigh and rub my temples "and I don't have the best track record With girls either."


"Don't jump ahead, I'll get to that" I chackle "Anyway, Asami and that girl didn't make it for too long, neither did Asami and the next one, or the next one... She dated a lot of girls, but never gotten too attached to any of them, never let any of them them in and always ended it before it turned too serious. And I always hated every single one she told me about, even when I didn't know them, and I couldn't figure out why. In hindsight, it should've been obvious."

I paused to take a deep breath.

"Mako and I on the other hand..." I sigh and shake my head. "We ended up dating for the rest of that year, but it was for all the wrong reasons. It's not that I didn't like him, I did, maybe I even loved him, but he just couldn't... compete." I said in amusement "I think subconsciously I was holding on to this relationship for so long so I could continue being in denial, it was easier for me this way, comfortable. But being with someone who wasn't who I really wanted to be with... It caused me to dread him, despite him. I got so annoyed with him for every single thing he did, or said, or his presence actually. We fought constantly, and while I was holding on to this relationship for dear life, he was getting sick of it."


6 years ago:

"Asami?" I knocked on her room door after her butler let me in and wiped the tears away from my eyes. then I heard something hit the floor behind the door.

Is she alright?

"Asa-" I said opening the door only for the word to catch in my throat and my brain to short circuit when I see Asami straggling to put her shirt on.

Did... I just see Asami topless? Urm, mostly topless? I blush and my throat turns dry, that's when I notice the blond girl laying on Asami's bed with a shocked expression.

Holy shit that just happened.

"Sorry, sorry!" I turn my head away and cover my eyes. But unable to remove the image of Asami with her shirt off from my mind, "I'll uh... I'll come back later..."

"Korra, it's fine" she laughs and turns to me,  I remove my hand to see her unfortunately fully clothed... Wait no I meant thankfully. Her smile drops when she meets my red puffy eyes.

"Are you ok?" She asked with a concerned tone.

"I don't know... I don't think so..."

She nods and turn to the other girl "Right, ok, so uh... You need to leave."

The girl raises an eyebrow "Seriously?"


"Wow." She gets up and grabs a coat of the floor "thanks for waisting my time." She got out and slammed the door.

"You're welcome!" Asami called after her sweetly and sat on the bed, patting the space besides her signaling me to join her.

I sit besides her "Sorry about that..."

Asami shrugged "it's fine, I couldn't even remember her name anyway so..." She chuckled "Is it Mako again?"

I gulp and nod, putting my head on her lap.

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