Chapter 14: It was just a stupid fight.

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I knock on the mansion's door fast and eagerly, still heaving from my ran to here. I don't stop the knocking for a moment, until suddenly the door opens and I trip, almost falling in.

"You shouldn't be here." I hear a familiar voice that I haven't heard in a while, speaking with a harsh tone.

So she's alive then.


Now I can kill her.

"I shouldn't be here?" I say in disbelief, raising my head to look at her, she holds an unreadable expression and doesn't even flinch when I give her a piercing gaze. "I wouldn't have to be here if you'd just pick up your damn phone!"

It's been months since I last talked to her, after our sort of picnic woth her dad incident she stopped answering her phone, she officially stopped hanging out with the krew altogether, which wouldn't be the worst thing in the world except she didn't talk to us at school either. Then she suddenly stopped coming to school too, that's when I realized that whatever was going on with her was much more serious then I initially thought.

"I was busy," she shrugged and crossed her arms, staring at me blankly "I didn't have any time to return your calls."

"You we're busy?" I repeat in a skeptical tone "You weren't even at school for an entire month!" I exclaim, getting irritated with how calm she is "Busy doing what?!"

"Just family stuff, that's it."

"So you couldn't fucking text me? Just a simple 'hi' once in awhile to let me know that you're alive?" I ask in disbelief "I was worried sick!"

"You had no reason to worry, I don't need anyone watching over me, I'm not a baby. And as I already told you, I was busy," she sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose "I don't know what else to say to you Korra."

"What do you mean you don't know what else to say to me?!" I felt like pulling my hair out from frustration, this conversation was leading nowhere "you've been avoiding me for months, You weren't talking to me, or meeting with me, or even looking in my direction! Then one day you disappear all together not answering the fucking phone for an entire fricking month and you don't have anything to say to me? Not a fucking word?!"

She frowns and get out of the house, closing the door behind her "No, quite frankly, I don't. because I don't owe you anything, let alone an explanation on how I decide to live my life!" She spits out, her voice full of hostility and venom.

Ouch, that hurt.

"You don't owe me an explanation?" I say while trying to ignore the lump in my throat, "How can you even say that?" I ask.

"Because this is a family matter," she says under her breath with a jarring tone and an eye roll "and last time I checked, you are not a family member, unless I forgot marrying you?"

I inhale deeply "No." I say in a piercing tone "But as your friend," I'm really not sure where we stand at this point " I believe I reserve a right to ask what's wrong with you."

"What's wrong with me?" Her eyes widen in shock and anger, her eyebrows were drawn closer to each other wrinkling her forehead  "I'll have you know Korra, that nothing is wrong with me, and you have some nerve to come to my house uninvited and suggest that something is wrong with me–"

"No that's not what I–"

"–In fact, I've been doing great." She interrupted and glared at me with fire burning in her eyes, causing me to gulp "If anything, maybe something is wrong with you."

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