Chapter 17: Highschool reunion

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I tap my fingers nervously on the table, my back bent slightly to the side so that I had a good visual on the entrance to the restaurant.

"She's late," Mako mentioned.

"She'll be here." I answer confidently.

"I'm just saying, Asami's never late."

"You didn't hear her," I snap and turn my gaze to him for a moment "she sounded genuine, like she actually wanted to make this right." I turn back to look at the entrance.

"It has been a few years," Opal adds "you have no idea what she's like now."

"C'mon bro, aren't you even a little excited to reunite?" Bolin asked him

"I have no idea why I'm even here," Mako complained "she never even liked me!"

To be truthful, I had my own selfish motives to bring all of them here.

I mean, sure they were friends with her too, I'm sure they're curious as to what happened with her, and I really do think they deserve to get answers as to why she left. but I mostly insisted on them coming because I was terrified.

I have no idea what Asami's like these days, and I have no idea what even caused her to leave, what if she snaps at me? What if she says her fleeing was even partially my fault?

So I got a buffer.

"Can we at least order food? I'm after an 8 hour shift, I'm starving!" Mako says and I roll my eyes, not sparing him a glance.

Then my eyes widen when I see a tall, raven haired figure walking into the restaurant and, looking around for a bit before addressing the hostess.

I could never get this one wrong, it was definitely her.

First thing I notice is that she looks exactly the same– Obviously more mature, but she still had her flawless silky hair flowing over her shoulder and onto her back, she still had her perfect smile which she gave the hostess while speaking to her, she still had her perfect figure with curves in all the right places.
After all these years, she still looked like a goddamn model.

Second thing I notice is her clothing choice.
She was wearing ripped grey jeans and a black tank top which contrasted with her milky skin, which in it of itself was pretty normal, except that she topped it off with a red flannel shirt tied around her waist, which made me chuckle.

I mean, that is so gay.

She's either out or oblivious.

She raises her gaze and starts looking around again, searching the room thoroughly this time, until she locks eyes with me, and I can see the recognition spreading throughout her face.

That's when I notice the third thing: I'm not as over her as I initially thought.

I guess Tenzin was right, maybe I did push it back so much that I could never really move on, maybe I was just repressing it all. And now all those familiar feelings... Butterflies in my stomach, warmth spreading in my chest, heart rate rising... Everything  just resurfaced. It's not that I immediately started liking her again, its more like I never stopped

Time seemed to slow down as she walked towards us, my eyes were glued to her and I had trouble catching my breath, I stopped taping on the table altogether and just sat there, mesmerized.

She stopped at the front of the table, looking at us hesitantly "Uh, hey guys..." She said with a nervous smile, and at the sound of her actual voice and the sight of her actual smile, my insides turned to jelly.

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