Chapter 26: Netflix and chill

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"So anyway, we caught the guy pretty much red-handed. He sat at home counting the stolen diamonds, with the bolt cutter he used to cut through the lock in his bedroom, and he still claimed to be completely innocent. Mako mused.

I laugh and shake my head "Sure buddy, of course you didn't do it."

"Some people are so dumb." He chuckled.

I hum in agreement and head to the cash register, ordering two large cokes and popcorn. Then I turn around, leaning on the counter with my elbows.

"So, anything new with you?" He asked curiously.

"Uh..." I scratch my head "Yeah, Asami  and I are dating."

"Whaaaattt?" He said, obviously faking the suprise in his tone "No way! When did this happen??"

I roll my eyes "Opal ratted me out huh?"

"Actually, it was Bolin," he laughed "dude wasn't that excited since Opal said yes."

"I don't get why, we've only been dating for like, a week!" I protest, covering up how excited I was in pretending like it was no big deal. I grab the popcorn from the counter, walking away.

"Because this is exciting!" Mako takes the cokes and follows me "How did this even happen?"

"You really want the details?" I give him a mischievous smirk.

"Ew, already?" He chuckled "You didn't even have a first date yet."

"We totally did!" I counter "We went for a drink after you left."

"Ok, so you slept with her on the first date?"

"I mean yeah, but we had like, years of repressed desire building up to this."

"Well, I'm happy for you," he smiled genuinely "but please spare me the details, it's gross."

"You dated both of us!"

"It was 5 years ago and I never even slept with you."

"Oh thank god for that," I laughed "can you imagine how awkward it would've been to be friends after we slept together?"

"You managed with Asami," he pointed out.

"...Fair point."

"Is she coming to the wedding?"

I nod "She's actually really excited about it,"

"Really? That's so sweet."

I snort "it's not sweet, it's mostly 'cause Opal's making me wear a dress."

"Ah, the truth comes out," he laughs and shakes his head "how in the hell did Opal manage to convince you to wear a dress?"

I shrugged "It's her day, I had too. Besides, no one's gonna be watching me."

He smirked and mouthed 'I will'.

"You're lucky I'm holding the popcorn, or I'd punch you in the throat." I look at him with a murderous glare.

"It's a once in a life time occasion!" He protested and laughed "If I knew all it would take is to make you bridesmaid of honor, I would've gotten married years ago!"

"Really? Cause I don't see a line of girls waiting for you to propose." I joke.

"I can get any girl I want!" He said defensively.

"Bro you have no game."

"Wanna bet?"

I stop in my track, evil smirk spreading on my lips "What kind of bet are we looking at here?"

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