Chapter 5: Feelings

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I grab a can of coke from the fridge and put a bag of popcorn in the microwave. I was planning on going to bed early today, catch up on some sleep, but the earlier conversation with Asami shook me up, for some reason, I just couldn't stop thinking about it.

So, naturally, it's time for a good session of gaming. With school becoming more stressful, soccer practice every other day and hanging out with 'the krew' (still fucking lame), I didn't have time to do dome serious gaming in a long time.

'Pop!' sounds started to come from the microwave, I opened my coke and took a sip.

Maybe I'll ask Bo if he wants to play something together? he's always up for coop. Actually no scratch that Mako will ask to join and then I won't be able to keep my mind off him and Asami... So single player? Ugh, lame.

I hear the microwave beeping indicating my popcorn is done, I take it out and turn around to leave the kitchen, I stop when I see my mom standing with sleepy eyes at the entrance.

"Korra, honey, please tell me you didn't just make popcorn at 2 am" she said with a yawn.

"Oh," I glanced at the clock 02:04 " Sorry I... Didn't notice the time."

"You have school in the morning."

"I can't sleep."

She went up to me and rubbed comforting circles on my back "Do you want to talk about it?"

I sighed "there's nothing to talk about, I just have two really good friends who might break up soon and for some weird reason I can't stop thinking about it."

"Are you worried you might have to choose between them?"

Oh shit my eyes widened "I am now!" I half yelled freaking out a little.

She chuckled "well, don't. it has nothing to do with you, it's between them, they wouldn't make you choose if they're your friends"

"I just don't want to see them hurt."

"You kids are in highschool, you have  your whole life ahead of you, they might hurt for awhile, but ultimately they'll be fine." She yawned "Now, I'm going back bed, you try and get some sleep ok?"

"Of course, thanks mom"

She smiled at me and left the kitchen, leaving me to  my thoughts.

I stuffed my face with popcorn. I hope Asami is fine. I think to myself. she seemed pretty upset about the whole thing-

No. Bad Korra. Stop thinking about it-

Shit what about this guy that was 'it' she was talking about?

Like who was he? And what happened between them? Asami is such a confident person, she probably told him, but if so why aren't they together? If this motherfucker hurt her I will break his face-

Stop. Thinking. About. It.

I yawned.

Maybe I'll just ask her tomorrow.

"You look like shit."

I lift my head to meet Bo grinning.

"Jee, thanks." I mumble and rub my eyes "I had a rough night."

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