Chapter 23: bridesmaid of honour

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"Let me get this straight," I say with narrowed eyes "you want me to invite your mother to your bachelorette party?"

"What?" Opal exclaimes "She's fun!"

"I mean yeah, but you also said you want a stripper." I emphasize.

"Obviously," she rolls her eyes "we don't want the party to suck now do we?"

"I just don't see how those two things go together."

She sighs "Fine," she says crossing her arms "who am I supposed to invite then?"

"Friends from work? From college? Normal things?"  I laugh.

"Yeah yeah," she waves me off "we'll invite all of them I guess."

I nod "anyone else you can think on?"

Her face lit up and she started giggling "You should invite Asami!" She exclaimed and clapped her hands excitingly.

I roll my eyes "Something tells me she wouldn't enjoy the male stripper so much."

"We can get a female stripper too!" She suggests and I raise a skeptical brow and purse my lips together "What?" She demends "I'm an open minded person!"

"That's a terrible idea Opal."

"It's a great idea," she emphasizes and points at me accusingly "you just don't want a super hot female around your girlfriend."

"Not my girlfriend," I correct.

"You didn't deny the first part," she says with a winning smirk.

Well, obviously. I'm trying to get with a genius fucking model who's also rich, I feel like it's only natural for me to want to annihilate the competition

"Fine," I sigh "you win, I'll invite her."

I can see from the corner of my eye Opal swinging her fist in victory as I open my phone to text Asami.

Korra [12:05]:
Hey:) you at work?

My heart skips a but when I get a notification back almost immediately.

Asami [12:06]:
Yeah, in the most boring meeting ever -_- wassup?

Korra [12:06]:
Opal wanted me to invite u to her bachelorette party

Asami [12:06]:
Ah, I see.

Asami [12:06]:
U told her I might not be as engaged in all the male related activities?

I chuckle and roll my eyes.

Korra [12:07]:
I did, she said we can get a female stripper 4 u

Asami [12:07]:
now we're talking!

Asami [12:07]:
Tell her I'll definitely be there.

Asami [12:08]:
U with her rn?

I open the camy and raise my phone to Opal's direction "smile, it's for Asami." I tell her and take a picture of her with her tongue out, sending it to Asami.

"Shouldn't the pictures you send her have you in it?" She asks with a smirk "with no clothes on?"

I ignore her, instead opening the picture Asami sent back.

It's taken in a bathroom mirror, she probably escaped that meeting. She's wearing a red skirt suit which sits on her perfectly while making her look important at the same time. Her hair is tied up in a neat bun with two stray hairs Infront of her ears, she also has her glasses on which in my opinion make her look sexy as fuck, she's pointing a finger gun to her temple, like she's going to die from boredom.

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