Chapter 11: sitting duck

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"You know, those ducks kinda remind me of you."

"Because I'm cute?"

"Because they'll eat pretty much anything we throw at them."


Mako laughed and shook his head, throwing more bread crumbs into the pool, and all the ducks immediately rushed over there, trying to be the firsts to eat.

Things with Mako and I were good recently, we hang out together a lot for the past few days and really got along. He was there for me when I needed him, and it was nice to know that we could still be friends, even after the complete failure that was our relationship.

"Look out," he says suddenly, snapping me back to reality "crazy ex-girlfriend, eight o'clock."

I look past my shoulder to see Asami staring at us with her arms crossed, and she gives me a look that clearly says 'what the hell?'.

I sigh and turn back to Mako "Not my ex, we haven't dated." I correct him.

"Yeah but, what am I suppose to call it? Hump and dump?" He chuckled and I choked on the words.

"That's also not what happened!" I squick out in emberessment and blush.

"Get and forget?" He suggests.

I choke on his words and slap his shoulder "That was terrible." I laugh "I should probably go deal with that," He nods in agreement.

I turn around and start walking to Asami, time seems to slow down as I'm getting closer, she clenched her jaw, not letting any emotion display on her face other then anger. Something's off about her today, she's not wearing any make-up, which is a rare occasion. Another thing is that she's wearing sweat pants and a simple T as opposed to her usual fashionable attire, I guess this simple look made her look more approachable and kinda cute— No, no. Stop that.

I sigh and push my hands in my pockets, giving her a tired smile "Hey."

"Hey?" She repeates in disbelief "Is that what you've got to say to me? Hey?"

"Listen, Asami–"

"No, you listen." She cuts me off with a glare "What the hell? You haven't been returning my calls, you've been avoiding me at school, and now this?" She gestures between me and Mako.

I raise my head to face the sky. I take a deep breath, trying to maintain a blank expression, then I look back at her "I guess we're jumping right into that are we?"

"You've waisted enough of my time." She bit back.

I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration "Look, I'm sorry, ok? I've had a lot on my plate–"

"So you get back to Mako? That's just great." She says sarcastically "Am I still invited to the wedding?"

I frown "we're just friends."

"No, Korra, he is not your friend, I am." She emphasizes "I was there to pick up the pieces he left off. I was comforting you when he broke your heart. I don't remember him doing anything like that for you."

"Yeah well maybe you don't remember a lot of things." I snap back, clenching my hands into fists.

She stares back at me for a few moments, her eyes filled with anger and confusion "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," I answer quickly "look, I've been going through something lately, alright? Am I allowed to have a rough time?"

"I'm your best friend! You're supposed to come running to me when something's wrong, not running away from me!" She grunts in frustration "Why didn't you just tell me?"

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