Chapter 18: kicked out, part 1

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5 years ago:

"Good morning dad," I greet him and  sit down at the chair infront of his desk "you wanted to talk to me?"

"Hello Asami," he leans on his elbows while interlocking his fingers "How is school?"

"Um, the year's almost over" I answer.

"Still top of your class?"

Ugh, here we go again, I roll my eyes "Yep."

He nods "That's good to hear."

I wait for him to continue, bouncing my leg nervously a little. When he doesn't, I get suspicious.

"Did you..." I try "did you want something else or..." I trailed off.

He sighed "I did have a reason to call you here," he says in confirmation "and it's not a pleasant one."

"Lay it on me," I say and lean backwards "I can handle whatever."

He frowns a little "I wanted to show you a video my PR guy showed me." He picks up his phone and press play on a video, then he hands it over to me.

I stare at the phone blankly, the video is set in my house, and from the way people are dressed, it was taken a few nights ago at the after party. Somewhere in the back of the shot I spot myself and Korra walking into the mansion, well it was less like walking and more like I was literally dragging her in, damn she looked sooo good that night, I think and almost bite my lip before remembering myself, what I would give to rip that crop top off of her...

My video self suddenly turns to her, I narrow my eyes in constantration trying to make out what I'm saying, but unable to. Then, past Asami climbs on a table, almost falling off.
"Everyone! I have an announcement to make!" I call and the camera turn to me completely and zooms in, in that moment I wished I remember anything from that night, because from the way my cheeks were flushed, I was very very drunk, so this can't be good.

"I," she points to herself in concentration "am very, very, very gay."

My eyes widen in shock, and I can't hear anything else in the video over the sound of my pulse ringing in my ears. The last thing I see is my drunk self giving someone a middle finger before the camera is turned off.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He knows. How do I go back to the closet? How do I take it back? This is bad. This is really really bad.

I snap my head upwards to meet his piercing gaze, I gulp and try to keep my cool, even though I know I'm deep in trouble right now.

"Care to explain?" He says calmly and takes his phone back.

"I was drunk, I didn't know what I was saying." I answer and keep a poker face on, ignoring how fast my heart was racing at the moment.

"You know, they say drunk words are sober thoughts." He adds with a frown.

"Clearly, this is not the case,"I shrug "remember Mako?" I add, seriouslu, fuck that guy, but thank god I briefly dated him, it gave my point some validation, even if my point was nonsense.

"The girl you are with, who is she?"  He asks and leans forward.

"That's Korra," I answer in fake serenity "I told you about her."

"You did, but you didn't mention anything that would explain this picture." He shows me his phone, this time there's a blurry image, but you can still see me and Korra on our couch, cuddling.

"We're just friends," I say in all honesty this time "really good friends."

"Friends don't look at each other the way she looks at you in this photo." He says harshly.

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