Chapter 27: A visit from the south

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"Korra..." A gentle voice woke me up and I clenched my eyebrows, closing my eyes harder in effort to drift back to sleep.

I heard a soft chuckle, and then a tender hand stroking my hair, slender fingers playing with my locks soothingly.

"C'mon sleepyhead, wakey wakey," a kiss was pressed  to my temple, and I open my eyes slowly, wincing from the brightness of the room.

"Why?" I whine in a sleepy voice, nuzzling into my blanket.

"Because I'm bored," she laughed "and you overslept."

"Mornings are evil," I mumble.

"The good news for you, it's already noon."

I stir in the bed, looking at her directly, her hair was a little messy and she removed her makeup from last night, and she held up the blanket to cover her very naked body.

How can she look so stunning after just waking up?

"You're staring," she pointed out.

"You are..." I pull myself upwards and lean on my elbow, bringing a hand to her face "Beautiful..." I whisper in awe.

Her cheeks turned red "Oh," she said, flustered "I'm probably a mess right now I'm not even wearing any makeup and–"

"No," I cut her off with a frown "you are beautiful, all the time. Makeup or no makeup."

She smiled softly "You really think that, don't you?" She asked sheepishly.

"I don't think that," I smile back while raising myself  and sitting down "I know that," I state.

She leans in, capturing my lips in a slow, passionate kiss, sliding her tounge inside and sliding it across my teeth.

"Morning breath," I complain with a fake pout as she pulls away.

"Ugh," she roll her eyes and smiles "you are such a baby."

"Your baby," I say flirtatious and wink.

"Alright baby," she teases "I'm gonna go brush my teeth, and you make us breakfast?"

"That sounds like a lot of work," I say dramatically.

"I'm hungry!" She exclaimes and gets up, heading for my closet and pulling on a big pajama shirt.

"Awww..." I stick my bottom lip out and stand up too, going to her and hugging her from behind "I was enjoying the view..." I lean my chin on her shoulder.

"I don't care, just go make me food," she demends.

"Alright alright!" I chuckle and press a kiss to her neck.

She pulls away from the embrace, pecking me on the lips before leaving the room. I sigh and put on a pair of boxers and a sleeveless shirt and head to the kitchen, opening the fridge and scanning the insides with pursed lips and narrowed eyes, pondering what I can make for us with the limited ingredients I have at the moment.

Suddenly I hear a knock on the door, which is really odd, I'm not expecting anyone today... I close the fridge and head to open the door, cautiously and curiously.

I open the door, and gawk in complete shock.

"Honey! It's so good to see you!" My mother exclaims and launched onto me with a tight hug, to which I respond by patting her back slowly, still shocked.

My parents are here. Why are my parents here? I mean it's awesome that my parents are here but what are they doing here?

"What are two you doing here?" I ask dumbfounded as my mom pulls back and my dad crashes me with a bear hug, causing me to yelp.

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