Chapter 15: Crashed.

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"Korra!" Bolin calls me while barging into my room.

I groan and shut my eyes, trying to ignore the metal  dagger stabbing my brain.

I rub my temples "What?" I shoot out with a harsh breath.

"You look like shit."

"Thanks," I say sarcastically and sit up on my bed, looking our gazes "did you come all the way here just to tell me that?"

"Are you hangover right now?" He asked, suspicious.

"No," I answer quickly "I mean yes, I mean...– Ugh, whatever!" I  say with a growl.

"You shouldn't be drinking that much." He scolds me and cross his arms.

"Spare me, dad." I say with an eye roll "What did you need anyways?"

"Have you seen Asami lately?"

I snort "we're not exactly on speaking terms."

"C'mon Korra, please?"

I lay back down "The last time I saw her she was at her house, it was about a week ago."

He sighs "No, I checked, she's not there."

"Then I don't know where she is." I answer nonchalantly.

"Jesus Christ Korra! Your best friend is missing, she deleted her Instagram, she doesn't answer her phone, even her senior friends haven't heard from her, and you don't give a shit?"

"She's not missing, and she's not my best friend." I spit out "I used to give a shit, and look where that got me."

"Don't be ridiculous, of course she is."

"No, she's not." I snap and stand up, stumbling a little "You can ask her is you don't believe me, cause she told me that herself."

"She's obviously going through something," He said calmly "you can't hold it against her, people with mental health issues say stuff they don't mean."

I suck in a breath, I want to believe him, but I don't want to hold onto false hope. She said what she said, and I need to deal  with it.

"She's probably at RCU," I say "It's around the time when people leave to college, that's where she was supposed to go."

He nods "let's go then, Mako's outside in the car."

"What?" My eyebrows shot up "No, no I'm not coming, we're not friends."

He rolls his eyes "if she'll talk to anyone, it would be you."


"No buts, I'm not asking." He grabbed my arm and started dragging me out of the house, we got into the car. I sat down quietly when Bolin explained to Mako where we're headed, and stayed silent for the entire ride, ignoring Mako's speech about how I shouldn't drink away my feelings, and how irresponsible it is and blah blah blah.

We finally get to the campus, we leave the car and go to the lobby. We enter, and head to the counter, I stop and cross my arms a few feet away from it so that I could still hear what's going on. Bolin gives me a dirty look and stands besides me while Mako keeps walking towards it.

"Hello," he greets the guy behind the bar and leans his elbows on it "we're looking for a student named Asami Sato? Can you tell us where we can find her?"

"How are you related to her?" The guy asks.

"We're her friends." Mako responds,  I grit my teeth at the word 'friends'.

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