Chapter 7: Confessions

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"we need to talk."

I sigh, close my locker and turn around to face Asami, she holds an unreadable expression, but judging from the bags under her eyes, she probably didn't do much sleeping last night, the thought of that feels me with dread.

I don't care, it's fine, I don't care.

"Well hello to you too."




I inhale deeply "alright then," I cross my arms and lean against the locker "talk."

You're being an asshole for no good reason, I scold myself. Stop that.

She scans the busy environment with worried eyes "Not here," she said hesitantly "bathroom?"

I exhaled and nodded "Fine" I staff my hands in my pockets and follow her.

We walk silently, with some distance between us. She has a tense posture, she's probably upset about my reaction yesterday, and the way I'm acting now, and the way I've been avoiding her the last few weeks.

Shit, I've been such a terrible friend, I start panicking internally, she's going to tell me off, and then never speak to me again and we'll never be friends and I'm going to lose one of the people closest to me because I was being bitter and a jerk and I can't even figure out why!

The thought of me losing her filled me  with anxiety and I immediately forgot all of the dread and bitterness I was feeling towards her at the moment.

Ok, ok, just... Calm down and apologies, a lot. She might not hate you yet, she might forgive you.

But I hurt her, do I even deserve her forgiveness?

I try to keep my struggle from showing while we enter the ladies room, Asami immediately starts to search the environment, knocking on stall doors and waits a few seconds to see if someone's answer. When she concluded that we're alone, she turns to me with sad googly eyes.

"Do you hate me?" She asks quietly.

My eyebrows shoot up in suprise, hate her? I was just wondering the same about her!

"No, no!" I shook my head eagerly "God, I could never! What reason would I even have to hate you?"

"I don't know!" She exclaimes and hugs herself "you were so distant lately... Then when you saw us yesterday and you just took off..." Her eyes started watering "I didn't know what to think...I was so scared..."

The sight broke my damn heart and I pulled her into a tight embrace, she nuzzled into my neck and started sobbing softly "I'm sorry... You didn't deserve it..." I mumbled while wrapping my arms tighter around her waist. Holding her was nice the feeling of her body pressed against mine made me all warm inside. "I'm so, so sorry..." I started rubbing soothing circles under her shoulder blades.

"You're my best friend..." She confessed with a sniff "I thought I was going to lose you too..."

My heart ached, the last thing I wanted was to hurt Asami, she was the sweetest, purest most amazing creature in the entire universe, she deserves the world, and not an asshole friend like me.

"You're my best friend too," I spoke softly and placed a kiss on her forehead "god, 'Sami I... I would never just leave you like that...."

She lifted her to meet my eyes, then she reached out to wipe away a tear from my cheek, I didn't even realize I was crying.

"Why did you run away?" She whispered under her breath.

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