chapter 2: The new girl

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7 years ago

Ugh, I thought while entering the school mornings are evil

It was the first day of sophomore year, and honestly I'm just glad its one less year 'till I graduate, then I can do whatever the fuck I want...-

"Korra!" I hear a voice calling me down the hall and not even two seconds later, Bolin came crashing me with a bear hug

"Bo... I can't breathe..." I managed to choke out

"Oh, oh! Sorry" he lets me go with a huge grin "I just missed you so much!"

"I missed you too!" I laughed and straightned my clothes

"And who would belive we're finally at highschool together!"

"Yes, Bolin, that's how growing up works..."

Bolin is a year younger then I am, meaning- a freshman, I know, ew, but he's actually one of my close friends, I met him while I was hanging out with-

"Hey there"


Mako was Bolins older brother,he was two years older then me, so a senior, he was your typical smart grumpy talented super hot senior that I met during the tryouts for soccer last year

Yeah, he is also a jock, the total package.

I might also have this little barely noticeable crush on him, maybe

"Someone's looking pretty today Kor" he said and gave me a wink which immediately caused me to blush

"I-uh... T-thanks! You're also pretty today..." I said nervously and the both him and Bolin gave me a weird look over my comment

Ok, I was totally crushing on him, big time.

After the first soccer practice last year he told me that the team is hanging out at his place later and invited me along, that's where I met Bolin and we immediately hit it off, and then we... Well...

"Are you gonna tryout for the soccer team?" I asked
Bolin breaking the silence

His face lit up "yeah! And trust me, I'm gonna get in, and that's not all!" He beamed "apparently I have first period today with that really cute girl I've told you about -"

"Wait, the same cute girl that you've been drooling over for the entire fucking year?" Mako Smirked and took a sip of his coffee

"The one that you were too nervous to come up to so you don't even know her name?" I added with a chuckle

"Shush!!!!" He waved his hands dismissively "This year it's different, you're looking at the new and improved highschool Bolin who can and in fact will charm the socks off this mystery girl!" He puffed his chest

Mako and I changed amused glances

"What? I'm telling you, the girl is special! She's definitely made for me"

"Oh, just like Korra was definitely made for you?" Mako joked

Both me and Bo turned into an awkward blushing mess

"Oh my god Mako..." I mumbled, laughing nervously "we agreed to never speak of this again..."

"Yeah bro, it's ancient history now, jeez" Bolin added

"Ok, ok! I was only joking" Mako rolled his eyes

"Anyway, today's gonna be great, speaking of which..." Bolin said as the bell rang "Gotta go! Can't be late for the first class of highschool!" He beamed at us and bolted

"Heh, freshmens..." He shook his head dismissively and took another sip of his coffee "still care whether or not they're late..."

"Yeah..." I laugh anxiously, very aware that Kya will infact kill me fot being late to biology "what a nerd!"

He smiles at me, it's completely worth the yelling I think to myself
is he impressed? I think he looks impressed, not that I'm trying to impress him I'm just a badass but him being impressed is a nice bonus and maybe I should just ask him out?

"So, " I started, fidgeting nervously "I've been thinking..-"

I got interrupted by a girl crashing on Mako

Literally, in the best timing ever a girl stumbles on somthing and falls against Mako, while managing to spill his coffee all over him in the process and sends him falling on the ground

Honestly I'm just standing there too shocked to function looking at Mako who's still on the floor

"Oh no, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you!" I hear a soft voice coming from the girl

"How could you not see me?" Mako asks with an annoyed expression and looked up at the girl "I was just- uh..."

His expression changed so fast I barely managed to blink, instead of looking annoyed he just looked at her at a loss of words with a... Blush? Oh, hell no.

I look at the girl to try and figure what this expression means- oh.

The moment I laid eyes on the girl my jaw dropped

To say the girl was pretty would be a huge understatement.

Everything about her just screamed model, from her silky black hair, to her perfect jawline, to  to her pale and smooth skin with a hint of blush that was just too adorable, to her emerald green eyes that were filled with concern to... You get it.

I hated her immediately.

" I... I was just... Wow..." He coughed obviously flustered "I was..." He cleared his throat.

The girl helped him up which caused him to blush even harder "are you ok? Did I hurt you?" She asked with genuine worry-ugh must she be both unfairly beautiful and kind? "I'm such an idiot!"

Mako gets on his feet and he also seems to finally get his act together
"Don't worry I'm fine" he assures her with a smile "Korra hits me harder then that everyday in practice" he points at me with a chuckle

She looks at me like she only just realised that I was there "wait, do you guys play for the fire ferrets?" She asks enthusiastically

I open my mouth to answer something baddass, but before I'm able to say anything, Mako already said "yeah that's us"

She sinks her face into her hand "I'm am soo emberessed..." She says and her blush widens and the whole situation is too fucking adorable it's not fucking fair "my name's Asami, I just moved here" she pulls her hand out and Mako shakes it "let me make this up for you somehow"
She stops to think while Mako is openly staring at her

"How about I treat you to dinner? Tommarow, eight o'clock, kwong's cuisine!" She starts to walk away

"Uh... Kwong's?" Mako's eyes go wide with worry "I don't have any clothes nice enough for a place that classy" he says sheepishly

She turns to him "I'll take care of that, all you need to do is show up" she gives him a perfect smile that makes me want to melt and also break her teeth "so... It's a date?"

My breath catches in my throat

"Uh... Yeah I guess so" Mako answers enthusiastically "I'll see you tomorrow night!"

And my heart dropes

"See ya" she says with a wink and walks away

Mako looks at her with a huge goofy grin and I swear to god I can see hearts just popping around his head

"What..." I mumble "what just happened?"

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