Chapter 21: Catching up

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"I... Had no idea Your father would do something like that to you," Opal said and worried her lip.

"I guess it makes sense that he ended up in prison huh?" Asami laughed.

"I mean, Korra told me that she had her suspicions back then, but I didn't know..." Mako trailed off.

"Guys, it's fine, I'm long over it," Asami shrugged "I just figured you deserve to know why I left, or um, was kicked out," she corrected and turned to my direction, tilting her head "you ok?"

She probably refers to how I wasn't touching my food anymore, and instead I was staring at her in shock with my lips slightly parted.

"I just... I'm trying to wrap my head around the whole thing," I said while massaging my temples "I still can't believe you felt the same way as me," I turned to look at Mako, then glanced at Bolin and Opal before returning back to Mako "are you guys only just now finding out about this too?"

Mako gaped at me in disbelief, staying silent for a few seconds "No!" He then exclaimed "We all knew!"

"Yeah I mean it was so obvious" Bolin added with a shrug.

"Was I really that oblivious?" I groand and crossed my arms.

"Yep." Asami said with a smug grin.

I narrowed my eyes "you are the last person who can judge me on this! You didn't notice too!" I point at her accusingly.

"I mean sure, but you knew we slept together and I didn't." She pointed out.

"Hey!" I protest "I played soccer, you should've known as well!"

She laughed "Touché."

"So, um, this was really great," Opal starts and glanced at Bolin "but it's getting late so I think Bolin and I are going to head home..." She pulled her wallet out of her purse and started searching.

"Don't," Asami put her hand on top on Opal's to stop her "it's on me, I'm sitting on a billion dollar company."

"You sure?" Opal asked, worrying her lip.

"Yep," Asami smiled at her "see that as a thank you for meeting me here."

"Alright," Opal smiled back and got up with Bolin right after her, she put her hand on Asami's shoulder "you should really come to the wedding," she said before leaving.

Asami's smile faded and was replaced with a confused expression "Wait what?" She turned to us.

"Well," Mako chuckled "seems like you'll be seeing us again soon,"

"Yeah," she said , still a little confused "I guess so."

"I'll be going now too," he said while getting up "Early morning shift,"

"Still a cop?" She asked.

"A detective," he corrected with a proud smirk "It was great seeing you again." He told her before turning to leave.

"Bye!" She called after him "I gotta say, I remembered him way more arrogant and annoying then he is." She chuckled before turning to me.

"Or you just didn't like him because he was dating me." I countered with a smile of my own.

She laughed "Yeah, it checks out."

So my worst fear became true, I stayed alone with Asami, but it was actually really nice.

She was still as fun as before, but she was way more out there. I almost felt like nothing changed, like we were still best friends in highschool, it was crazy.

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