Chapter 25: bachelorette party, part2

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I sat down on a couch nearby, patting the space next to me for Asami to join and sit next to me. Instead, she sits on my lap, which I'm extremely alright with.

"So," I start "me and Kuvira met around two years ago, when Opal's family came to visit her in the city–"

"–Wait," she interjects "is she like, Opal's sister? Gross!"

"Adopted sister," I correct.

"Isn't there like a rule between best friends to not date family members?"

"Technicaly, the rule only applies to older brothers, and I'm really not interested in any of them." I agrue, chuckling slightly "anyway,  we met and immediately hit it off. We hang out a lot and started texting all the time, and not long after, we started dating."

"Was Opal ok with this?"

"That's the thing, Kuvira convinced me not to tell her, she said she wasn't out of the closet yet and was still figuring out how to break it to her family, so I agreed to be discreet for a while."

"Yikes, I hate when that happens."

"Yep, but I respected that, and didn't mention any of it to Opal the entire time, which is impressive cause we dated for like, a solid year. We met when she was in town and talked on the phone everyday when she wasn't. She kept postponing telling other people about us for some reason that she wouldn't tell me, but I sucked it up because I actually lo– cared for her. So imagine my surprise when one day Opal comes barging into my apartment telling me excitedly that Kuvira and her older brother got engaged."

Asami gasped "She didn't."

I nodded "She did," I paused for a moment "So, I obviously told Opal everything, and she told her brother, long story short he broke off their engagement and I've never heard from her again. Until today that is."

Asami frowned "you need me to beat the bitch up?"

I laugh "as much as I'd like to see that, it's fine, really."

"Wow, no wonder you're like that."

"Huh?" I raise an eyebrow "like what?"

"It's nothing bad," she adds quickly "it just makes sense how you're a little hesitant and nervous around me."

I blink "You noticed that?" I ask in confusion and emberessment.

"It was hard not too," she chuckled.

"And you think the two things are connected?"

"I mean, I can see why an experience like that would make you a little more careful, don't you agree?"

I nod "Yeah, I just never connected the two, I just figured it was because you're wayyyyy out of my league." I let slip out and immediately cover my mouth, blushing.

"You..." She said with wide eyes "did you just say I'm out of your league?" She said in disbelief

"I mean..." I chuckle in emberessment "Is the genius, rich and insanly sexy goddess out of my league? I think it's safe to say so yeah."

"Are you seriously suggesting that I'm out of the blue eyed angel that has the body of an underwear model's league?"

I blush "What happened to confident Asami?" I mumble in emberessment and suprise.

She shrugs "I'm just saying."

"You're delusional," I chuckle.

"Hey!" Opal calls stopping the conversation from progressing. We turn to her "No sitting on each other's laps unless you're going to do a lap dance!" She teased.

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