8 ¤ Trials Aren't Fun

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We are trying to figure out what is happening to me. I have no idea what it is, to be honest. Faye is sitting in front of me, her hands on my temples, and she's trying to figure out what happened in that other world.

"Do you remember much from what happened when you came back?" she asks.

"Yeah, I remember feeling scared and helpless. I remember feeling terrified of everything."

"Hmm." Faye puts her hands back down. "I don't know what happened to you, to be honest."

"They can't help you, you have to do this on your own. Your next Trial will be coming very soon. And it will be harder than the first one was."

I look at Dylan, who's standing beside me.

"What?" he asks.

"I heard Adelaide. She said that my next Trial is starting soon, and she said it's harder than the first. She said that I can't be helped, I have to do this alone."

"Well that's bull," Dylan says. "You don't have to do anything alone. Especially when you have us."

Faye nods.

"Did she say what the trial is gonna be?" Rose asks. "If we knew what it was beforehand, maybe we could figure out how to solve it."

"No, she didn't. She never tells me what they are, she just springs them on me. I don't even know how we're connected to each other either. Aside from us being the same person, we seemingly don't have the same powers either."

"Hmm. I didn't sense anything when you said you heard her. Which is weird, usually I would sense it in that scenario," Faye says.

"I don't know what to do," I say softly. "I just wanted to figure out what was wrong with me, I didn't want to start a new Trial."

Dylan comes over and hugs me. "It's going to be okay. It will pass, we will get through this."

I put my head against him and close my eyes.

Then, the Trial starts.

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