9 ¤ The Next Trial

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I am falling. I don't know where I'm falling to, or how long I have actually been falling, but for some reason, I cannot open my wings. I can't move. I can only fall.

The abyss I am falling through is seemingly endless, and I feel like I'm slipping away. I try to move my arms to grab ahold of something, anything, but I can't. I can barely move my body.

Voices are screaming. I can barely focus on one of them at a time, I can't seem to latch onto what I need to decipher. I look around me, at the darkened area and dark walls. I'm still falling, and there's no sign of a bottom.

Is this a trial? If so, how do I pass?

Suddenly, I flip over, so my back is aimed at the ground. I look all over, but the place I'm in is just dark. And I can't tell if I am moving at all while in the pitch darkness. I look all around, but just as I am getting ready to scream for help or try to move again, I hear a voice.

At first, I can't tell what she's saying. But then ...

"Anya Lee, can you hear me? It's me, Adelaide."

"I hear you!" I yell.

"Close your eyes. Open your wings. Then fly."

I close my eyes, and open my wings. I bank hard and yelp in pain as my wing muscles strain to keep up. I flap hard and then angle downwards, diving into the darkness.

I fly low, going down into the endless abyss below me.

Eventually, I reach the bottom, even though I didn't think there was one. I land on the ground, the concrete beneath my feet feels solid, like a sturdy ground I am standing on.

I start walking.

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