17 ¤ Anya Lee

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I fly around for a while before I finally let my head clear up some. I land on the ground just beyond the car that we abandoned and I walk over to where the car sits, and then I hear someone talking.

"... and then, I saw ... "

I turn around and see two guys in hunting gear appear. They walk over to me, and then they spot my wings. One raises his hunting rifle, the other just gawks.

"What ... what are you?"

"A cosplayer," I say.

They have no powers for me to bend, but I can still do that to their emotions. So I fixate on the one who was gawking at me. He doesn't say anything, he just stares. Then he turns tail and runs. Confused, his friend chases after him, yelling for him to stop.

"Nice party trick," a female voice says. I turn around and see a tall woman with long, white hair, gray eyes, and pale skin standing there, wearing all black. She steps closer to me, and then she grins.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I'm someone who has been looking for you for a very long time, my friend. A very long time indeed. My name is Tui, and you will be coming with me."

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"I'm going to show you how to access all of your powers, my friend," she says. "Come. We must hurry."

She turns and takes flight, and I, not realizing that she had wings, am still standing there like an idiot. But then I take off after her, and we soar above the tree canopy. Tui guides me over the woods and into a city not far from New Pittsburgh, one that I think is called Wexford.

We land on the roof of a building in the uptown portion of the place, and she begins to work on getting open a hatch in the ground. I walk over to her, confused.

"Tui? Do you need help?"

She sighs. "I suppose so, I think my friend sealed it too tight for me."

The two of us pull on the hatch until it rises open, and then we head inside. The room we walk into is lit by gaslight and there are people all around who look to be like us, different.

"Everyone here has abilities," Tui says. "But for now, please come over here. I will show you the truth to your power, Anya Lee."

"Wait, how did you know my name? I never mentioned it, did I?"

"My curse is to know that which has yet to happen, and that which has already happened. Nothing is of a surprise to an Oracle."

She leads me into a smaller room with stars engraved on the walls. She then turns and looks at me, her gray eyes looking into my soul.

"Anya Lee, I'm about to show you what is happening to your Dylan, are you ready?"

I square my shoulders and look at her. "Yes."

She nods. "Very well. Place your hand on the podium here. Close your eyes and focus, and simply let go."

I touch the podium, and then, I think I blacked out.

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