15 ¤ Anya Lee

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I stare blankly out the window as we drive, trying to figure out where Dear Ol' Dad took Dylan. Rose and Jaycee are discussing where they think he is, Klaus and Faye are talking, and Jade is looking at me.

I try not to notice how Jade is staring at me expectantly, like she knows what's going through my mind. I don't say anything, and she doesn't either. But then Jaycee turns to glance at me.

"I know this is hard, but can you try to track him using your empathy?"

I sigh and look away. "I can't."

"Right. You're just waiting while the rest of us do all the work for you, and you'll just sit there and fret like a vapid little princess."

I gasp at her, and Rose shoots her a dirty look. Rose shakes her head.

"You could be a little more sympathetic," she says.

"Really? All she does is mope and bitch and whine because Daddy took her boyfriend away."

"He also killed our cousin," I remind her.

"And whose fault is that?"


"What? Dylan's probably fine, we're wasting our time trying to find him. He's probably dead anyways."

I feel hollow, like all of my insides were drained from me. I just look at my sister, once-loving and sweet. Not anymore. She's just acting like a cold bitch.

"Wow, rude," Jade says. "How would you feel if you were in her position? Would you really be acting superior to her and her plight? Wouldn't you be broken up with grief and fear?"

"She's the reason why Sebastian is dead, so I honestly don't care how she feels about things."

I turn away, tears burning my eyes. I look at the sky, and watch as it blurs and distorts in time to my tears. I am shaking. Suddenly, the car sputters and stops in the middle of the road.

I wordlessly climb out and take flight, ignoring Jade's calls for me to return.

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