24 ¤ Dylan

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He wakes up in a cold sweat, looking all over the room for any sign of Anya still being here. But she's not. She's gone.

Dylan sighs and runs his hands through his brown hair, messing it up a little. He is scared, legitimately scared. He hasn't felt like this in a while, just the thought of him losing Anya Lee to these people is unthinkable.

Dylan then gets up from his cot and walks over to the door to the room, and he tries the lock. But shockingly, it is now unlocked. He slips into the hallway without a second thought, and then Dylan heads to the other end of the hall.

He reaches a door and opens it, revealing the outside world. He looks back one last time, not seeing anyone. Dylan turns and spreads his wings, taking flight after jumping high into the air.

He rises up, up, up, and then, something white-hot and painful explodes into his left wing. He screams and drops to the ground, only a couple feet away. Dylan turns, getting ready to call on his powers, to do something, anything, but at the same time, what?

"Sorry, Dylan," says Jonas as he walks over to where Dylan lays slumped on the ground. "But ... can't let you go anywhere."

"Why?" Dylan asks. "Why let me get this far?"

"Because. We wanted her to see."

Confused, Dylan looks at Jonas. He points off into the distance. Dylan turns around and looks, and feels his blood go cold. He smiles, tears blooming in his eyes. He never wanted to see her here. He wanted to prove to himself that he could do this.

Because Anya Lee is standing there, and stares at him in shock and sadness. Then she starts to run over to Dylan, and he hears Jonas chuckle under his breath.

"No! It's a trap!" Dylan cries.

And then Jonas stabs him through the chest. And everything winks out all around Dylan

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