13 ¤ Lost

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This is not good. Sebastian is dead, and Dylan was taken by my sick, twisted father. I have to get him back. I have to ...

"Calm down, your anxiety is driving me nuts," says Rose.

"I can't," I say, looking out the window of the car as we drive down the road. We are burying Sebastian in the ground in the middle of nowhere. It's all we can do. Rose, with her affinity for the elements, decides that she will be the one to open the earth for Sebastian.

We stop in the middle of the woods somewhere. Klaus and Faye and Jade carry Sebastian's dead body. Rose, Jaycee, and I walk ahead of them, until we come across the place where we will bury him.

"This is not what I thought would happen when he died," Klaus says softly as Rose begins to open the earth.

"We will get back at Darren Laufey," I say solemnly.

"How? Anya, he's more powerful than any of us," Jade says.

"Not if we teamed up, fought him that way," I say.

"Like, working together?" Klaus asks.

"Yeah," I say, nodding. "We can work out the details of the mission later, but right now, we gotta worry about the funeral we're throwing."

"Okay," Rose says as the ground finishes opening. "I think it's ready."

I lean forward and see the perfectly shaped hole in the ground is wide open, ready for Sebastian. But putting him in the ground seems like a ridiculous idea. Sebastian being dead is hard to imagine, but if his neck wasn't bent at an awkward angle, and his blood wasn't caked on his body, it'd be different.

But I know now that he's gone.

One more person lost to the fucked up world we live in. One more poor sap who got killed because he believed in change. It's like history is repeating itself.

"Okay, I can lower him into the ground," says Rose.

We step back as the air around Sebastian churns and twists into a small whirlwind. It lifts up his body, then lowers it into the ground.

"Who'd like to speak first?" Klaus asks.

I stand there, my fingers curling and then stretching back out. Curling, stretching. Curling, stretching. I need someone to help me keep myself together. I need all of my family to be here. My mom and Dylan included.

"I will," I say.

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