11 ¤ Oh No

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I watch in total shock and disbelief as the others hurry about the room, gathering up our stuff and getting ready to run.

There's a knock on the door.

"Avalon," says a man's voice from the other side of the door.

"Hurry," Klaus whispers.

Dylan starts to weave an illusion around us, making the room appear empty. But then the door is kicked open. About a dozen men armed to the teeth and clad in black burst in and look all over. To them, the room is empty. The others are hiding in the closet.

And I'm still trapped, watching as the men walk around, not noticing that Dylan is out of their hiding place, as he keeps weaving illusions.

Then, I see a girl in the doorway, looking directly at me. She raises her hand, pointing at me. One of the men walks right through me (guess I'm basically a ghost at the moment) and he shakes his head. The girl frowns, then points at Dylan.

He backs up slowly as the man walks closer to him. Dylan weaves another illusion, this time, it's a commander that he creates.

"Hey!  What are you doing in here? They're nowhere to be seen!"

"We got an anonymous tip," says the guy with the gun, who is mere inches away from where Dylan is hidden.

"Move along, soldier," the fake commander says.

"Right, Commander Gordon," says one of the other guys. "Under your authority, Commander Gordon?"

"Yes, under my authority."

The two men look at each other.

"What?" the fake commander asks.

"You're not Commander Gordon. What the hell are you?"

They both take aim and one shoots the illusion. The visage of the commander vanishes. The man beside Dylan whirls around and smacks him in the face with his gun.

"No!" I scream, as Dylan appears to them and falls to the floor.

"Get this freak out of here," says the man. "And look around! The others are close by!"

I feel like I'm being pulled all of a sudden. Towards something. Towards the closet. Then, suddenly, I snap awake. I'm back in my body, but now, I am in the closet with the others, and I can see through the cracks in the door as the ACF drags Dylan away.

"Time for some mind games," I whisper.

"Anya Lee, you can't," Rose whispers.

"I have to try," I whisper back.

I flick my wrists and call my energy into place. I focus on the men dragging Dylan out of the room and close my eyes. I imagine the two men freaking out as bugs crawl all over them, as the empathy and my ability to channel the abilities of others mixes together into one powerful creation.

I grin as the men start freaking out.

"Anya Lee, we need to stay quiet," Jaycee says quietly.

"We have powers. It's time we used them," I say.

I open the door to the closet and walk out. They look at me, eyes wide with shock. I smile at them, and then I amp up the power.

The men let go of Dylan, and I run over to him, grab his hand, and help him up. The bad guys look at us as the illusions get stronger and more frequent.

"Ah! What the hell?" one of the men yells.

I bring Dylan over to the other side of the room, and then Klaus comes out of the closet in his wolf form. He snarls at the bad guys, who then pull their weapons on him.

"Humans and their guns," I say, shaking my head.

Sebastian comes out next, followed by Jade. She raises her hand and touches one of the armed men on the arm. He screams and collapses on the ground.

"Retreat!" someone yells.

"Everyone, fall back," yells someone else.

"No, I'm not going without anything to show for it," a deep voice says.

And then my father steps around the corner, smiling.

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