16 ¤ Dylan

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Dylan is fitted with a collar around his neck and is taken to the showers at the new hellhole he's trapped in. He wonders if Anya Lee will be able to find him here, now that he's so far away from her. Now that he's not in the ACF place anymore, but with Zakariah Jones and his friends.

Zakariah Jones is the older man who Dylan met while blindfolded in the ACF building. But he assumed that coming with this guy and his friends couldn't be much worse than deciding to stay with the ACF.

"Welcome to your new home," Zakariah said as they arrived at the new building.

"What is this place?" Dylan had asked.

"This is Eros, we work to build a better future for everyone," said Felix North, one of his friends.

"Yeah, save me your sales pitch," Dylan said.

He turns around in the shower, letting the cool water hit his face. He misses the others. He wonders about Sebastian, as he didn't look too good when Dylan was dragged from the hotel.

But Dylan wonders if he's dead now, and he just didn't realize it when he was being taken from them. If Sebastian is dead, then what happened to Klaus? What was Anya Lee's reaction to losing both him and Sebastian?

Dylan emerges from the shower and dries off before getting into his new prison uniform. He hates how each of these places has a uniform for him to wear instead of regular old clothes. But he supposes anything is better than the wearing torn, bloodied, and dirty clothes he had been wearing.

He looks at his semi-long hair, and brushes it from his eyes. He doesn't know how much longer he can stand having long hair. It is constantly in his eyes.

He steps into his room and sees Zakariah Jones standing in his room. The man smiles at him.  Dylan does his best to not look as uncomfortable as he feels.

"How was that shower, son? Good?"

"What do you want?" Dylan asks.

"Straight to the point, eh? Good. That will serve you well in the future, the need for nothing but the bigger picture. Well, my friend, today, your new life here at Eros becomes even better than it could've been if you weren't here. Now that you have seen the light and admit that you need help with seeing the true message of your powers, I think that it is high time that you learn the true extent of your powers."

Dylan has no idea what he's talking about, but he goes along with it.


Zakariah gestures to the door. "Make an illusion for me. Whatever you want to make, do it."

He waves his hand, conjuring a dog. The illusion dog runs over to Zakariah, and barks at him.

"Not bad. Now, turn the door into something else."

Dylan frowns but does as he was told. The door morphs into a huge brown bear. Zakariah cries out and steps back, then nods in approval.

"You can bend reality itself, or did you forget that?" He walks over to Dylan and smiles. "Allow me." He places his cold hands on Dylan's temples.

Dylan cries out in shock, and then he stumbles back away from Zakariah. He looks at the man.

"What did you do to me?"

"You have far more power than you realize," he says. "Did you know that?"

"Know what?"

"That you can reshape reality itself."

Chills run down Dylan's spine.

"How do I do that? If I can do that, what's stopping me from using it against you?"

Zakariah shakes his head. "Absolutely nothing."

Dylan sighs. "I just want to see her again."

"Then go to her. Or make her come to you," Zakariah says to him. "You can do it."

"No, I'm not bringing her here. This place is no place for Anya Lee."

"Very well. I will leave you to your powers, for now. But when I return, we are going to get to work."

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