Chapter 3

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[Todoroki's POV]
What should I do now... I mean I'm not sad that it is Yaoyorozu but... I don't want her to be forced to do something she doesn't want... Shouto thought until he just decided to call her.

"I hope she answers..."

Biep ... Biep ... Biep  ...

"Hi?" replied a male voice.

"Hello is Yaoyorozu there?"

"No, who are you?"

"My name is Shouto Todoroki and-"

"Ahh, you're her fiancé. I'm Teiko Yaoyorozu. I'm her father. Glad to meet you. What do you want from Momo?"  Her father?

"Ummm... so I wanted to ask her if she was okay with it... I don't want her to be forced to do it."

"She'll be okay with that! Besides, she's pretty late... she should be back from the hospital already... Hmm maybe something happened to her... let's hope the best!"

Still not home? Something must be wrong...

"Okay thank you. See you then-"

"Ahh wait a moment! Come and visit us. I would like to meet my future son-in-law hehe! Bye," he said before hanging up.

Son in law...?

[Yaoyorozu's POV]
Who was he talking to on the phone?  The way it sounded, it was probably my father... He always has to scream like that..

"Hey cat..."


"Yaoyorozu is still not home... I'll go find her... maybe something happened to her..."

Damn my father probably told him... Although I can just go away...

After Shouto left the house, Momo is also on the way, but... where to?

Damn... Now I don't know where to go... There are still 2 hours until I get back to normal... although... Jirou lives nearby...

5 Minutes later...

I think Jirou lives upstairs, but how am I supposed to go up there? Ah, I'm just climbing the tree!

After Momo climbed the tree, she stood at Jirou's window and scratched her window in the hope that she would hear her.

Come on Jirou please hear me!

Suddenly someone opened the window and looked at the cat with a surprised look.

"What do you want here little one?"

After Jirou brought the cat to her room and placed it on her table, Momo came up with an idea.

All I need to do is put a pen in my mouth and explain everything to her on one sheet! Let's see... where's a pen and paper? Ah there!

"Hmm...? What are you doing there?"

Jirou watched the cat write something on the sheet.

"I... am... Momo...? You are Momo? I... have been... transformed into... a... cat... Hmm I understand hahaha! That's funny Momo! I... will... be normal... in 2 hours... again...? I understand... well then stay here for so long.

While Momo and Jirou waited for Momo to change back, they just played some games.

2 hours later...

"Momo, I have to go to the toilet. You should change back in a minute. See you soon."

Finally... These two hours were longer than- Before she could finish thinking, Momo turned back into a human.

"Oh, finally I'm back to normal... Now I have to talk to Todoroki first..." while she was talking to herself Jirou came back.

"Ahh Momo there you are again! How was it to be a cat?"

"Not nice Jirou... and besides I have a problem Jirou..."


"My parents arranged a marriage for me..."

"What?!? Of course you will refuse it won't you ?!"

"I don't know..."

"Why?! They can't just decide your life like that!"

"Yes, I would actually say no, but..."

"But what?!"

"Marriage is arranged with... Todoroki..."

"What are you saying? How do you know that?"

"Well when I got out of the hospital I was changed to a cat... then I met Todoroki he brought me to his house and then I heard it from his father..."


"Well... Todoroki said he fell in love with me...!"  Momo said as she blushed.

"Oh Momo... you are in love with him too... Go and talk to him and maybe everything will be fine and you will become a lovely couple..." said Jirou with a smile.

"Yes you are right Jirou! I will go now... and... talk to him..." said Momo, her face getting redder and redder.

After saying goodbye to Jirou, she first went home until someone spoke to her from behind.

"Yaoyorozu... you're safe..." he whispered in her ear as he hugged her.

"Um... y- yes... To- Todoroki..." I think I'm going to die...

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