Chapter 8

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[Todoroki's POV]
Momo and Shouto are sitting on a bench in a park. Shouto behaved a little weird today because his father wanted to meet Momo. He hasn't told her yet and actually doesn't want him to meet her.

"Shouto?" "Hmm?" "You're acting a little weird today... Did something happen?"  Should I tell her?

"Uh... my father wanted to meet you, but..." "You don't want me to meet him?" she asked with a sour look. He nodded. "Don't you think I can have a say in this Shouto? When should we visit him?" "He said at all times, but-" "We'll go Shouto right now! Come with me!" she interrupted him. She grabbed his wrist.

10 minutes later...

[Yaoyorozu's POV]
We are now in front of Shouto's house.  I'm just noticing that I'm not dressed well. Well done Momo! You come to your future father-in-law with such clothing and that even at the first meeting... No matter I just had to come here. I rang the bell and heard heavy footsteps on the other side of the door. Someone opened the door and I saw turquoise eyes looking down on me. Just like Shouto's... Only not so soft eyes...

"Hello Endeavor! My name is Momo Yaoyorozu and I am Shouto's fiancee!" I yelled softly as I bowed a little.

"All right. Come in first. We'll continue talking inside." he said as he turned and walked further into the house. When I entered the house I noticed how japanese it was. It was nice. The last time I was here I was a cat.

"Momo. Please take care..." "Don't worry Shouto..." she calmed him down and kissed him on the cheek.

The two went into the living room and saw a broad man sitting on the couch.  "Sit down." he said coldly.

The two sat opposite of him and waited for him to say something. Momo felt that Shouto was already annoyed by him.

"You two..." he started.  "... I want to ask you something." Shouto expected a question like 'when are the kids coming' or 'how many children should you have' but he never thought he would ask such a question.

"How are you?" asked he.

"We are fine! How are you?" Momo replied.

"I'm fine too. Thanks for asking, daughter-in-law."

Daughter-in-law hm? Still hard to get used to...

"What do you want father?" Shouto growled. "Shouto..." I said as I squeezed his hand.  "Calm down, please..."

"Shouto... she's right. I was just asking how you are."

"I know you are up to something..."

"No, I have no plans, I just wanted to announce something to you."  "Announce something?"

"Shouto, your mother... she's coming back... home."

"What did you just say?!" Shouto said in surprise and then got up. I could feel how aggressive he was.

"Shouto. It wasn't my decision, your mother wanted it. I have been visiting her a little lately and we have cleared everything up. I apologized to her and I wanted to apologize to you too. Shouto I'm sorry I tortured you for years and destroyed your life. You don't have to forgive me, but please give me another chance." he said and I even saw his eyes get wet. I looked over to Shouto and saw his eyebrows pressed together because he was so excited.

"Anyway... I was glad that I got to know you, Yaoyorozu. I hope I'll see you again. Bye." he got up and walked out of the room.

"Shouto... are you okay?"

"How am I going to be fine now? This damn man just wants to apologize and pretends everything's been cleared up..." Shouto growled. "I understand how you feel, but everyone deserves a second chance, right?" I took him in my arms and hugged him.

I don't know how much time has passed, but now you can snore Shouto quietly. He is even handsome when sleeping...

"Yaoyorozu" she heard from the front door.  She looked and saw Endeavor.

"Yes?" she asked him. She noticed how hard he smiled. What does he have?

"Wake Shouto up."

"Why?" "Just wake him up. Don't worry he'll like it."

Momo did what he told her and woke him up. "Momo...? What is it?"
"I don't know, but your father wanted you to get up..." "Probably train or something..."

"Shouto" the two again focused on the broad man on the other side of the room.

"You can come in now." he said to a person we couldn't see.

Then a woman came into the room with beautiful white hair. She was really beautiful. Who is this? Maybe that's...

"Mother? What are you doing here ...?"  Shouto asked the person. So this is really his mother...

"Shouto... I'm moving back in here!"  she said with a big smile.
Momo would have thought Shouto would go nuts, but just nodded and got up. "I go to the toilett..."

Shouto walked out of the room and left me alone with his parents. This is getting uncomfortable...

"Say ... So you're Momo?"  his mother asked me.

"Exactly! My name is Momo Yaoyorozu, I'm glad to meet you Mrs. Todoroki!"

"Ah just call me Rei! But please tell me about you!"

Momo and Rei talked to each other and didn't notice how Enji slipped out of the room.

[Todoroki's POV]
What does mother think?! I'll ask Fuyumi if she knows anything.

Shouto stood in front of Fuyumi's door and knocked.

"I'm coming!... Ah Shouto what do you want?"

"Fuyumi-nee why is mother back here? You know that father hasn't changed."  he growled.

"Uhm... he really changed! You have to know he has been visiting mother every day for a month! I only found out a few days ago when I wanted to visit mother, I saw father talking to mother in a friendly manner the two had laughed a lot! So... me and Natsuo give him a second chance, even if I had to force Natsuo a little hehe. "

"If father does anything to her, I'll kill him!"

Fuyumi was shocked that she had never seen him so upset before.

"You can do that Shouto." the two heard a voice from the left.

"Ah father he didn't mean it like that!"

"No. I even want it that way. If I do anything to her, then you should kill me because I would have destroyed my whole life."

Shouto was getting sour, but could still control himself. "I agree..."

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