Chapter 18

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[Todoroki's POV]
Momo had to go home last night because her parents had something to talk with her about. I woke up like every day. Brushing my teeth, putting on a school uniform, saying goodbye to my mother and then finally going to school.

When I got to school, I noticed something strange. Everyone was looking at me so strange and sometimes I heard things like 'Is he that?' or 'The lucky guy.' whispered from couple of students. I just ignored everyone because I was used to the looks because of my scar.

When I opened the classroom door, my classmates also stared at me. I saw Momo and she waved a guilty look at me. What's going on here? Shouto thought and when he wanted to ask this question the girls almost jumped into his face.

"You are engaged to Momo?!" they literally shouted in my ear. They stared at me with hopeful looks. I looked over at Momo and she just nodded. I just nodded to end it quickly. The boys also stood there now and congratulated me.  It was pretty annoying.

"Sit down all of you." spoke a voice behind us. Everyone sat in their seats and Aizawa started class.

After the lesson...

The class was over now and I was already prepared to be interviewed by everyone, but Aizawa still wanted to talk to me and Momo. What does Aizawa want? I thought to myself while we waited until everyone left the room.

Now we were only in the room and Aizawa started talking "I already heard what is between you... so you are engaged?" he asked us and we nodded.  "Was that your own decision or..."

Since we already knew what he was aiming for, I said "Yes, it is arranged, but we both have nothing against it and have agreed, provided that we can concentrate on our training as heroes first."

He nodded slightly and sighed. "The main thing is that you concentrate on school... Then you can go now..."

Momo and I took our bags and made our way home. When we left school I started talking. "Momo?" She looked at me. "You told them all ready?" I asked her. "Ah... yes... I'm sorry if you didn't want to, but I just couldn't stop myself!"

"Uh no... It's not that bad now, but the others will be pretty annoying now, don't you think?" She thought once and then smiled at me. "It will only be annoying at the beginning and then you will get used to it! But now on a different topic... I wanted to ask you if you would like to come to my family's celebration next week. Would you be interested?"

A celebration? "Hmm... yes I can come, but you have to know that I can't dance well..." I confessed to her. She looked at me and sighed in relief. "Then there are already two of us... I can't dance, either, so maybe we could learn it together!"  Momo suggested. She is really even sweeter when she is excited about something... dreamily he looked into her eye from the corner of his eye without realizing that he had been staring at her for a while.

"Shouto? Don't you want to practice dancing with me? Or do I have something on my face or do I stink?"  she tore me out of my daydreams. "Ah! Yes, I would love to practice with you! And besides..." I stopped and took her face in my hands. With my right hand I took a strand of hair from her face and put it around her ear and with the other hand I took her chin and lifted it a little so that she looked into my eyes.

"You are beautiful, Momo..."

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