Chapter 9

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[Yaoyorozu's POV]
Shouto's mother is really very nice.  After we talked, the other family members from Shouto also came. They were all kind and even Endeavor talked a little bit, even if Shouto and Natsuo, I think this was his name didn't really talked to him yet. When I slowly became quiet and listened to the others, I looked around the room a little and saw a family photo and there was another person in the photo.

"Excuse me?" I interrupted Natsuo, who was talking about his girlfriend. "What is Momo?" Rei asked me. "I was just wondering... who is this boy in the photo here?" I asked her when I showed them the photo. I noticed how everyone's facial expression changed.  Damn... Shouldn't I have asked that...?

"This is Touya..." said Enji, who was sitting a little further away from us.  "... the oldest son..." Everyone looked at the floor to avoid eye contact. Should I ask what happened to him or not? But I'm really interested...  "If you are interested in what happened to him..." Endeavor said to end the silence. "... it was my fault... one day he ran away from here and I tried to find him, but..." Now Rei and Fuyumi were sobbing a little. Natsuo hugged them and tried to calm them down. I really shouldn't have asked... So many bad things happened in this family... I hope I can help them... "Momo." Shouto said, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Yes?" "Don't blame yourself... you should have known it anyway..." he said to me as he squeezed my hand. "Thank you Shouto..."

A few hours later...

"Thank you for welcoming me so warmly! I'm looking forward to seeing you again!" "Until then Momo!" "You're really sweet!" "I'm looking forward to our next meeting daughter-in-law!"  "I'm also happy Momo. Shouto please accompany her home." "I understand mother. Let's go Momo."

Momo and Shouto are currently walking hand in hand to her home.  "Shouto, don't you think it's time for our families to meet?" I asked him because he has already met my family and I have met his family. "Hmmm... fine, but where?" he asked me. "How about we go to a restaurant?" "Yes, that would work." "Great! I'm looking forward to it!"

[Todoroki's POV]
She is even sweeter when she is excited than usual. "Shouto we are here now! I will text to you when I have an answer from my parents! I love you!" she told me. "I love you even more Momo .. see you then..." "Yes! Bye!" she waved to me when she disappeared into her house.  Slowly I think... that she is an angel...

20 minutes later...

"Mother?" "What is it Shouto?" "Momo and I thought that we and her family could go to a restaurant..." I told her with a nervous look because I was afraid that she might not want to. "A wonderful idea!"  she said as she folded her hands together. "Thank you mother..."

Momo: My parents agreed!  :-)

I: My family will be able to come too.  I'm looking forward to it....

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