Chapter 5

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[Todoroki's POV]
"I can't raise Shouto anymore... His left side resembles him too much..."


She looked at him with the most frightened expression on her face I've ever seen. She took the kettle with hot water and ...


I was torn from my dream when I heard a knock on the door.
I opened the door and saw Momo.

"Momo? What are you doing here so late?"

"Well I heard you scream I was worried... do you want to talk?"

"... well... come in."

They closed the door and sat down on Shouto's bed.

"Why did you scream Shouto? Did you have a nightmare?"

"Something like that... It was a memory..." he said, touching his scar.

"Was it about your scar Shouto?" He nodded.

"Do you want to talk about it? If you don't want to-"

"No I want to tell you... There are not many who know and outside of my family only Midoriya knows... It was 10 years ago... My father forced me to train and every time my mother wanted to help me he punched her... After a while she couldn't resist it anymore and... and because my left side looks so much like my father she poured... hot water over my left side... But I her never blamed, but rather my father... " Shouto would have expected her to tell him something like 'I'm so sorry' or 'You didn't deserve that' but she did something else. She hugged him and said "Shouto... but now you are here... In my arms and for that I am grateful that you have endured so long /... Thank you..." she said while the tears rolled out of her eyes.

"Yes... I'm also glad I'm here now... I could never love anyone more than you Momo... Thank you for being there for me... I love you..."

"I love you too Shouto... I'll stay here with you tonight so you don't get lonely so come on let's sleep."

"Are you sure? It could be uncomfortable or something."

"No and now come and lie down!" she cried softly as she pulled him down.

"Okaaay..." he groaned and she could only giggle.

"Good night Momo I love you."

"Good night love you Sho too!"

"Sho?" "It's a nice nickname!" "Well..."

5 hours later...

[Yaoyorozu's POV]
I woke up and the first thing I saw was Shouto - my love. I had made myself comfortable in his chest and it was nice and I felt safe. I looked left at the clock and saw that we only had 7:00 and I could still sleep a little. Then I remembered what Shouto had told me yesterday. Shouto...
I looked at his beautiful face and listened to him snoring softly.
Cute... and I had to giggle quitly. Then I put my head on his chest and fell asleep again.

2 hours later...

I woke up feeling movements. I opened my eyes and saw Shouto looking at me.

"Good morning beauty" I blushed at the name he gave me.

"Good morning Sho! We already have 9:00 am... Breakfast will be served soon so let's get changed!"

"Are you sure? Wouldn't I bother you somehow?"

"No no no you will definitely eat with us! My parents will definitely be happy too!"

"All right..." he yawned

10 minutes later...

Shouto and I went down to the dining room and my parents were already there.

"There you are! We have been waiting." my mother said.

"I'm sorry mother, but I had to create some clothes for Shouto because he doesn't have any with him."

"It's okay so sit down first."

There were eggs with bacon on the plates. On my play were little more because of my quirk.

"So..." my father started.

"So you are a couple?" he asks us.

"Yes," we said at the same time.

"Then everything is fine. Then you can marry without hesitation?"

I blushed at the thought. Sure I want to marry Shouto someday, but not so early...

"Sorry Mr. Yaoyorozu, but Momo and I are currently on the way to becoming heroes. I would say that after we have become professional heroes and can keep on our own two feet, we would be ready to get married." said with a facial expression as always.

"On your own two feet? We Yaoyorozus are one of the richest families in Japan and your family is also one of them. Well then I don't want to be like that, but I only say that if you have a fight or something like that then you still have to get married. No matter what. "

"Don't worry, Mr. Yaoyorozu, I won't do anything that would make Momo sad or angry in any way."

"Okay... Then we'll just postpone your marriage..."

"Thanks Shouto." I whispered to him.

"For what?"

"Well, I wouldn't like to marry at such a young age."

"Neither do I. So first we become great heroes and then other things can come."

"Yes!" How lucky was I that someone like Shouto fell in love with me?

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