Chapter 16

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[Yaoyorozu's POV]
When I heard what happened to Shouto I couldn't wait any longer and immediately made my way to Shouto.  But... where's Shouto?

I stopped and wanted to text to him until I put my cell phone back in and decided to just go to his house. In a flash I ran through the streets without paying attention to the looks I got from passers-by.

Momo was now at the front door of the Todoroki family. She rang the bell once and heard heavy footsteps from the other side of the door. The door opened and a tall man with red hair stood in front of her.

"Ah.. Yaoyorozu... what are you doing here?" he asked me and looked down at me. "So, I wanted to meet Shouto... maybe he's here right now?" Momo asked him nervously. "Ah... sure... please come in... please make a cup of tea, Rei!" he shouted into the house behind him and then walked in. Momo stood at the door for a few seconds, thinking about how much Endeavor had changed. Normally he wouldn't even have looked at her, but now he's even offering her tea. She was happy that everything in Shouto's family is getting better now.

She entered the house and went into the living room. Endeavor was sitting on the couch reading a newspaper and in the kitchen she saw a white-haired woman. "Hello Mrs. Todoroki!" she greeted Rei and stood next to her. "Ah hello Momo. I told you, you should call me Rei!" she greeted back with a smile. "You don't have to worry, I just wanted to go to Shouto..." she whispered softly and sneaked away. She was able to escape from the living room and heard Rei calling for her. She sighed and searched for Shouto's room.

She searched and searched, but she didn't know where his room was.  Shouto's house wasn't as big as hers, but it was still very big. Momo walked past several rooms and many pictures of the family. Shouto was so cute! she thought when she saw a photo. Her big grin disappeared when she realized how old the photo was. He didn't have a scar in the photo yet. She sighed and continued to search for his room.

She continued to search without success until she heard a familiar voice from a room.

"Babe, when do we want to meet tomorrow?! I can't wait~!"

Momo opened the door a little and saw Natsuo sitting on a futon and talking to someone on the phone. Probably his girlfriend.

"Yeah ... I love you even more!"


"Hmm... you want me so much~? But we have to make sure that no child comes out in the end babe~"


"Hahaha your father would kill me!"


"Yeah okay see you tomorrow! Bye~" he said and took the phone from his ear.

Momo, meanwhile, listened to everything and almost couldn't keep her laugh. She couldn't have imagined that he could speak like that. After she calmed down she knocked on his door and entered the room.

"Hello Natsuo!" she greeted him. He turned and smiled. "Ah hello Momo-chan! What brings you here?" he asked me. "So... I'm looking for Shouto's room." she said. "Oh, Shouto's room is right next door!" "Ah thank you very much! See you!"

Momo went out of the room and ended up standing in front of Shouto's room.  She knocked once. Silence. She knocked again. Silence. She opened the door and didn't see him, but heard something. Momo heard a water.  Hmmm... probably washing his face or something like that... she thought and entered the room. After she looked around a bit and noticed that the room was pretty empty, she opened the toilet door.

"Ah hello Shouto I wanted..." she started, but her sentence disappeared in silence when she realized that he was taking a shower. And he was naked.


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