Chapter 11

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Couple of hours before...

[Todoroki's POV]
I woke up in my room. Did I just dream it? he thought to himself as he looked at the clock. It was time to go to school. He put his school uniform on and set off. He walked and walked and walked and walked. What's going on here?  he thought to himself when he noticed that he always walked past the same place. He started running. He ran and ran and ran, but always came to the same place. Is that a villain? What should I do now?...

"Hey villain! Come out wherever you are!" he shouted into the empty area.  Then heard someone giggle behind him. "Hello Todoroki..." an old woman greeted me. "Who are you?!" "I? That doesn't matter, but I want your body!"  she screamed as she ran towards him.  It wasn't really a race as she fell on her nose after a few meters. "Are you doing well?" Shouto asked while looking down at her. "Y- yes..." "Are you going to leave me alone now? I have to go to school..." "Okay..."

She let him out of her quirk and Shouto made his way to school. He looked at his cell phone and noticed that he was several hours too late. Shit... He ran as fast as he could and now he was standing in front of the classroom. I opened the door and saw Aizawa looking at me. What's with him? Why is he so shocked? Shouto thought to himself before entering the classroom.  "Sorry I'm late I was-" I stopped when I looked in my seat. What's going on here?! "So..." Aizawa started.  "...what's going on here?" 'That's exactly what I was wondering!'

"Aizawa I'm the real one! I don't know who that is, but it could be a villain!" I yelled at Aizawa. Then the other Todoroki said, "No! I'm the real one! I've been here all day! Believe me!"  "Calm down... We can easily find out who's the real one..." he said as he used his quirk. His eyes went red and the Todoroki sitting in my seat suddenly turned into a girl. Everyone in the room jumped up and got ready to fight, but the girl got on her knees and it looked like she was begging us to leave her alive.

"Please spare me! I had no bad intenions!" "What were you going to do then?!" shouted Kaminari.  "I.. well... I'm a little embarrassed! I don't want to tell you all!" "Come with me..." said Aizawa.  They walked out of the room and everyone in the room relaxed.

"Good day." I said because I hadn't done that yet. "Hello~.." everyone sighed as they sank into their seats. Shouto walked to his seat and saw Momo wave to him. "Momo... did anything happen when I wasn't there?" "Yes!" said Kaminari who heard my question.  "This doppelganger of yours got me pretty hurt! Look at my nose!" he complained when he pointed to his nose. "I'm sorry..."

"I wonder what the two are talking about now... Maybe she's a spy or a villain? But she could-" "SHUT UP DEKU!!!"

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