Chapter 13

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[Todoroki's POV]
I sit in the classroom and watch the others laugh. Where's Momo... Shouto wondered until Aizawa entered the classroom.

"Yaoyorozu can't go to school today... get ready and we'll start the lesson..." he yawned when he started talking about the stories of different heroes, but Shouto couldn't concentrate on him because he was worried. He was worried about Momo. Did something happened to her? I'll just ask her...

After school...

I: Momo? Are you in danger? Or did something happen?

A few moments later she answered...

Momo: Shouto don't worry. I am just a little sick and because my parents are not at home I had to take a little rest today.

I: I see... I'll see you then.

Momo: Yes! I hope we can see each other again tomorrow.

Tomorrow huh?

20 minutes later...

[Yaoyorozu's POV]
Momo was lying on her bed, thinking about what it could be the topics like in today's lesson.

"Ahh, I would have loved to go to school today!" Momo said loudly and then heard a ring. Who is that? Are mother and father already- no, they have a key... Then who is it? she thought until she stood at the door and opened it.

"Who are you?" Momo asked the man quietly. The man had black hair, turquoise eyes and lots of scars on his face. "Who am I? My name is Dabi..." Dabi?! It's one of the villianleague! "What do you want from me!" Momo screamed as she got ready to flee. "Heyheyhey calm down! I won't hurt you... I just want to talk to you." he said as he entered the house and looked around the house. "Really nice house..." "Why do you want to talk to me...?" Momo asked as she kept distance from him. "It's about my little brother..." "Your little brother? And who should that be?!"

Dabi stood there and just looked at her. "You should know my little brother well... don't my eyes remember of him?" he asked her while opening his eyes. "Your eyes?..." Then she noticed. His eyes resembled his left eye. Shoutos turquoise eye. "Are you... Touya?" "Tch... don't call me that... But you're right, my name was that once..." "What do you want to talk about?" she asked Dabi. "Before I start, I have to tell you that you can't tell anyone about this meeting..." "And why should I listen to you? A villain?" "Well... you want to be a heroine... and if you tell someone about it, people will probably have to suffer..." That damn... "Okay.. I'll hear you..." she said from across the room

"So... you are Shouto's fiance?" he asked me. "Yes..." "I see... you have to promise me something..." "And that would be?" I asked when I raised an eyebrow. "Please... make Shouto happy... I know that I am a villain and one of the bad guys, but I did all of this for my family... and now that everyone likes this damn old man, all my work is for nothing... that's the only thing i wanted to tell you... see ya... " he said as he just walked out of the house. Momo stood there in shock and just looked at the place where the dark-haired man was just standing. She heard the front door close and maybe after one minute the doorbell rang. Who's that again?!

Momo opened the door a little more slowly this time and looked through the crack in the door. "Momo? What are you doing?" "Ahh Shouto! What are you doing here!?" she screamed. "I wanted to help you a little and since you are alone you are definitely lonely right?" he asked me. I smiled because he was so cute and then saw that he had flowers in his hand. "Ah... I bought this one for you..." he told me and handed me the flowers. It was white and red tulips - like his hair.

"Thanks Shouto..."

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