Chapter 17

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[Todoroki's POV]
After I got home and had a little chat with my family, I decided to take a bath.  When I got to my bathroom, I opened the water. Half cold and half warm.  That was the best feeling. After about 4 minutes I heard someone open the door of my room and walk around in my room. 'Who is this? Usually they call me... ' I thought until I heard the bathroom door handle move. 'Probably Natsuo who wants to scare me...'

The door opened and a blackedhaired girl looked at me in shock.


She did not answer. And she didn't go out of the bathroom either. Instead, she stared at my face, then my chest, and then my... intimate place.

She didn't seem to stop and the more seconds passed the more embarrassing it became. "Momo?" I spoke again. Her eyes returned to my face and her face went redder than a tomato in a second.

"Ahh! Shouto, I'm sorry! Really, I'm so sorry!" she almost screamed at me and ran out of the room, leaving me alone in the shower. Confused and embarrassed. 'What was that?'

[Yaoyorozu's POV]
'Ahh! What did I just do?! I also stared like that! I didn't want to stare, but... his body attracted me a lot and he was so erotic... Ahh what do I think?!' Momo thought, not even noticing where she was running.

Suddenly she found herself back in the living room and saw Shouto's parents staring at her.

"Momo?" Rei looked at her worriedly.  "Why are you so red? And did I just hear screaming somehow? Did something happen?" she asked Momo.  "Ah... no nothing happened! I just have..." I blushed again from Shouto's bare body.

"You have what?" Enji asked me with an eyebrow raised. "Ahaha I have nothing... anyway, I wanted to ask you something!" I said without really having a question, just to change the subject.  'Damn... what should I ask them now?!'  "And that would be?"

"So.. I wanted to ask you whether, well... Well, I wanted to ask you when you want grandchildren?!" I asked without realizing what I was saying.  Enji and Rei had their mouths wide open from the shock. It was enough for Momo now. She was sure she was going to die of embarrassment right now.

"Ah no! I meant-" she was interrupted when Rei jumped up and took Momo's hands in hers. "Anytime! And when the little ones are there then we can play with each other at any time or we go for a walk! And I am quite sure that you will become a great mother, don't you think Enji too?" she said quickly and with the greatest smile Momo has ever seen. Enji, who stayed quietly in his seat, just grinned "Yes, I think so too."

"Do you see Momo? What do you want to call them? What do you think they will look like or when-" "Rei! Please stop! I'm embarrassed!" I interrupted her. She and Enji laughed a little at my confused state.

I ran back into Shouto's room and saw him sitting on his futon and he was drying his hair.

"Shouto... I'm really sorry about what happened... I really didn't want to..." I apologized to him and he just sighed.  "Momo... you don't have to blame yourself for that. I've already forgotten and you just forget it too, okay?" he suggested. "Okay..." 'How am I supposed to forget this erotic sight?!'

"Oh yeah Momo... what are you doing here?" he asked me. Right. I wanted to see if he was fine. Such strange things happened instead.

"I wanted to make sure you were really well, that's why I'm here, but I also have a question I've been asking myself for a while..."

"What?" "So I was wondering if we should tell our classmates and friends that we were engaged? Do you think that's necessary?" I asked him and he nodded. "I think that would be a good idea, but maybe we should wait a little longer, because if they annoy us too much, it could bother us..." he lay down on his back. "But it's actually not that important, because it won't be until after school anyway... But if you want to tell everyone now you can do it Momo..." I nodded and smiled because he was so understanding.

"Thanks Shouto..."

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