Chapter 10

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[Yaoyorozu's POV]
Today Shouto's and my family meet. We're going to a pretty expensive restaurant. "Momo! We have to go!" my mother yelled. "Yeah! I'll be right there!" I quickly made my make-up and went down to my mother and father. "We can go!"

We got into our limousine and made our way. I got a message and saw that it came from Shouto.

Shouto: Are you on the way?

I: Yes! Are you already there?

Shouto: Yeah

I packed up my cell phone again and was already looking forward to it. Hope everything goes well...

5 minutes later...

We got out in front of the restaurant and I looked around to see Shouto and his family somewhere. It was not difficult to find them because I saw a large, wide man right away. "Shouto!" I called. The whole family turned and saw my family walking towards them. "Momo." he just nodded. Our families greeted each other and we made our way to the restaurant.

"Wooow.. that looks really nice!" Natsuo amazed. "Natsuo... please behave..." said Fuyumi who was ashamed of him. We giggled at the sight.

"So... Mrs. Yaoyorozu Mr. Yaoyorozu..." Endeavor began. "How are you..." you could hear him trying hard to speak politely.

My and his mother chatted a little while our fathers discussed business. I talked and laughed with Shouto and his siblings. "I remember when Shouto peed in his pants when we watched a horror movie." Natsuo laughed out loud. "Natsuo... We don't want to talk about how often mother scolded you because you didn't go to the toilet but pissed in the bushes..." "What?! Hey!That was a long time ago!" While the two were arguing, Fuyumi whispered something in my ear. "How far have you gone with Shouto?" "What!?" I screamed so everyone looked at me. "It was just fun!" she giggled. "Haha very funny..."

After we finished eating and said goodbye, we made our way back home. "That was really funny!" I said while stretching my arms. "Yes it was, but Endeavor really has no sense of humor..." said my father. "Momo. When do you want to get married? Do you want to get married right after graduation or do you still want to wait?" my mother asked me. "Hmm... I don't know, I have to ask Shouto, but the main thing for me is not before the graduation!"


[Todoroki's POV]
Where am I? I was just with my family... right? Shouto thought to himself as he looked around a dark room. He looked around until he saw a person in the corner. "Shouto Todoroki... finally I have you... you will regret to not loving me!" spoke a female voice to him. "Who are you and where am I!" I screamed as I grew louder. "You'll find out soon, but sleep for now my darling..." "Wha-" she stabbed an injection in his side and he passed out.

[Yaoyorozu's POV]
I sit in my seat and watch the others laugh with each other. Where's Shouto... He didn't even write to me last night... she thought until she heard someone open the door. Her heart immediately beat faster when she saw a boy with red and white hair.

Shouto was on his way to his seat until Kaminari stopped him. "Well Todoroki? How are you?" he asked him with a grim. Suddenly Shouto punched him in the chest and this caused Kaminari to fall against a table. "Shouto?!" "Hey Todoroki what was that?!" Everyone in the room now looked at Shouto with a shocked look. He ignored all looks and sat in his seat, annoyed. "Shouto?" I said. "What do you want?!" "What is with you?" I tried to calm him down. "Nothing!"

Who is this? That can't be Shouto...

The rest of the day we tried to ignore him because he seemed pretty irritable until we had lessons with Aizawa. He explained something to us and suddenly someone knocked on the door. The door opened, but no one could see who it was. Then I saw Aizawa's gaze change - he was confused. "Sorry I'm too late becau-" Another Shouto came into the room and stopped when he looked at his seat. Everyone looked at the other Shouto with a blank expression on his face. "So..." Aizawa started. "...what's going on here?"

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